Chapter 21 - Ember

Start from the beginning

The other person didn't say anything, but I could see – from where I was crouching amongst the heather – that they merely lowered their head in submission.

My Phoenix urged me to rush them there and then – yet I knew I had to be patient for a few moments longer. I had to hear whatever Killian was on about. He was talking about the fire he'd stolen from me, that much was clear.

"This fire can set free my family – my true family; all the other spirits that have been locked away over the years," Killian insisted and his cigarette's ember fluttered in the darkness of the night as he pointed it at his companion. "But first I have to rid myself of my host's connections to the mortal world."

My suspicions were right – Killian was trying to reform everything and everyone that Kaden knew and loved. Like us; like all of us.

"I don't care about that." The other figure shook his head. He spat, "All I know is that she forced me out of this town and ruined my life. All to protect her stupid boyfriend."

Oh my God. Eric?!

"But if she hadn't ruined your life, then you never would've found your way to me – would you? You wouldn't have joined me on my path of vengeance."

Oh, I'll show you vengeance alright, Killian.

From what I could sense, Eric was still non-supernatural – still a human – which meant that I would have to avoid hurting him. Fire tingled through my veins as my Phoenix forced into my head the notion of murdering them both and being done with it all.

I was only there to reclaim the vial of stolen fire.

As strong as the Phoenix was, I knew I needed the others' help to take down Killian once and for all.

Now – the Phoenix insisted.

Raising up from the scratchy moorland bushes, I walked towards them slowly. I kept my palms facing away from the thicket, as there was a flame burning in each of them – ready to challenge Killian.

Killian's once-light brown eyes with occasional green flecks turned into inky black abysses as he focused in on me. His eyebrows arched upwards, possibly in surprise at seeing me there.

"Well, if it isn't a dead girl come to haunt us," he mocked, cigarette dangling from his lip carelessly.

"Ember..." Eric let out a breath and got to his feet – his eyes never leaving my face.

"You should've known better than to try to kill an immortal being, my old friend," the Phoenix spoke through me – her thoughts merging with mine as she perfectly articulated a sentence to the being I was most afraid of.

The Phoenix has faced him before. I couldn't disguise my fear, yet the Phoenix's power was reassuring; I knew I wouldn't get hurt.

"I should've known it wouldn't be long before you came to bother me again." Killian shook his head and dragged on his cigarette.

"I've come to reclaim what you wrongfully took. Your intents are nothing but malicious, and you cannot be trusted with such power," I told him – or, at least the Phoenix told him. "This will not be the last time I face you in this lifetime."

Killian slipped the vial out of his pocket – revealing a single flame dancing in the glass. Purple merged with the red and I felt a little tug in my heart. He dangled it up in front of me as I drew ever closer, dry twigs giving way beneath my bare feet.

That's mine, you bastard.

"If you want it, you'll have to come and get it," Killian teased, swinging the vial side to side like a pendulum.

Drowning with Fire #3 ✔Where stories live. Discover now