Kaito Nakamura

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Hikari's pov

His grip tighten as I tried to get out of his grip. I thought of ways to distract him. "You have not told me why you're here for." I stopped moving. "Isn't it simple? I came for you. Your friends killed Jack. I'm not going to sit here and not do anything about it. But I didn't know that you're this... beautiful." He looked at me up and down. I rolled my eyes. "Well, you're about to find out that I'm more than beautiful." I smirked. I headbutt him and pushed him away. He winced. "Fuck. You're asking for it, Hikari." He hold his head in pain. "Try me, fucker." I launched at him and went for his head again but his reflexes are fast. He caught my arm and twist it. I scream in pain as he kicked me in the stomach. He was strong. I clutched my stomach and looked up at him. He has a grin on his face. "You're weak, you can't even hit a punch." He laughed. The same words. Anger rising up. I grab him by his shirt. "Listen here you blood sucker, I am not weak. Call me weak again and you'll see." Venom in my voice. He tilted his head. The grin never left his face. "Oh sweetheart, the one who's losing here is you. Enough of this, it's time for your last words. Oops, you don't get to say anything." He disappeared in a second. I was confused but my instincts told to me turn around.

I turned around.

He grabbed me by my neck and tried to bite me. I defended myself by kicking his crotch. Yeah...sorry boys. He groaned and let go of me. I got into my fighting stance. He recovered rather quickly and tried to attack me again but I ducked and punch him in the stomach. He fell to the ground. I smirked. "I warned you. You didn't listened." I walked towards him. Then I heard a familiar voice. "Hikari..." My eyes widen as I let my guard down. I turn to look at Eclipse and Micheal. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "WATCH OUT!" Eclipse shouted. I quickly turn around and see a fist heading my way. I shut my eyes tight waiting for the impact. It never came. I opened my eyes to see..Nathan. "Don't you fucking dare touch her." Nathan growled. He stood infront of me protectively. I feel myself boil in anger. "Why the fuck are you here?!" I pushed him. He turned around to face me. My eyes widened as I look at him. He looked like mess. He looked so pale and he has eye bags under his eyes. His eyes are dull. Did I cause this mess..? "Eclipse, take Hikari out of here." He ordered. Without a word, Eclipse pulled me away. I couldn't say anything. "Look what we have, Hikari's boyfriend. What? Thought you hate her for calling you heartless?" Kaito chuckled. "Shut the hell up. Why are you targeting her?" Nathan snarled. "You guys killed Jack. I needed revenge." Kaito glared to me and then to Nathan. 'He hates me now..? I didn't know that heartless is a trigger word for him. I should probably apologize later.' "Eclipse, leave.now." Nathan gave us a side glance. "Will you be okay?" Eclipse asked him. "Don't worry about me. Just make sure you get her somewhere safe." Nathan looked back at Kaito. Eclipse nodded at Micheal. He stepped towards me, asking permission if he could carry me. I nodded as he carried me bridal styled. Micheal and Eclipse ran out of the forest. I couldn't stop thinking of Nathan's safety.

Nathan's pov

After they left, I turn around to face Kaito but he wasn't infront of me. "Shit." I cursed under my breath as I ran, trying to find Hikari and the others because I knew Kaito wasn't going to stop until he gets his revenge. I caught him and jumped at him. We rolled on the grass as I pinned him down. "Get off of me!" I ignored his words and punched his face. "Don't you ever fucking lay your finger on Hikari again. I'm letting you off the hook for now. Come back and I'll rip you to pieces." I get off of him and took one step away. I gave him a side glance and threw a knife to his stomach. He winced in pain and held the knife. I smirked and ran out of the forest. My phone buzzed and I took my phone out to see Eclipse texted me.

Little gremlin

We're at my house. -Little Gremlin
Sent 5:08pm

On my way. -Nathan
Sent 5:09pm

I shut my phone and ran to Eclipse's house. Once I reach her house, I swing the door open and walk in. Eclipse perked up. "Ever heard of knocking?" I scoffed as I ignored her. I looked beside her to see Hikari. She looked at me, looking guilty. I nodded my head to tell her that I needed to talk to her. She nodded back. I walked towards the guest room. I waited until she came in. She closed the door and looked down. "You alright now?" I asked her. She nodded without looking at me. "Are you..okay?" Her voice. She sounds scared and sad. "I'm fine. He won't be bothering you." I looked at her. "Why...why did you come for me?" She finally look up at me. Tears in her eyes. "If you die out there, I will be at fault. Eclipse wouldn't forgive me for not protecting you." I told her. That was only a part of the reason. I didn't want to see her hurt. Even though she called me heartless. I still care about her. "You're right..I'm weak. I can't even get myself out of the situation." She looked away. 'Fuck. She took my words seriously.' "You managed to distract him and you defended yourself. You call that weak?" There was only silence. I groaned as I step closer to her. She stepped back and looked at me. "What are you doing...?" She sniffled. She backed up to the wall and I stopped walking. I lifted my hand and she shut her eyes. 'Does she thinks I'm gonna hurt her?' I wipe her tears away. She opened her eyes and widened. "Don't fucking cry, Hikari. I'm not used to seeing you go soft on me." She giggled softly. I'm glad I could make her laugh. I let my hand down and walked to the door. "Wait!" She stopped me. I turned around and raised my eyebrow. "Thank you for helping me and...I'm sorry for calling you...you know." She looked down. "Don't mention it. See you later." Just like that, I left the room. As soon as I get downstairs, eyes were on me. "What?" I glared at them. "So...are you guys dating now?" Eclipse asked excitedly. I walked to her as I ruffled her hair. "You wish, gremlin." She pouted and looked down. "Aw man..you guys look so cute together." She looked at me with puppy eyes. I felt my face burn. "Shut up. I'm leaving. Make sure Hikari gets home safe." I pat Eclipse's head and headed to the front door. "About that...Mikey kicked the front door down so..it's broken.." Eclipse gulped. I stopped in my tracks as I groaned. "Then she'll stay here until you get that door fixed. And it would be more safer for her to have company." I opened the door. "Bye little gremlin." I stepped out of the door. "Bye big gremlin!" She exclaimed. I let out a chuckle and close the door and left.

HAII!! This is quite a short chapter but hey, at least things got better 😌 Also I apologize for not publishing The Other Side Of Hikari earlier. This is a make up for publishing late.

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