The brunette's gaze drifts to the ground, guilt written all over his face.

"You promised me that you'd always tell me everything, and I promised you that I would always listen. I was there. I would have listened. I would kiss you, and, yes, I would cry, but I'd love you the same. I'd still look at you the same way. I wouldn't leave you just because I knew that there would be no 'tomorrow' for us," Dream sobbed. "I wouldn't leave, because I knew that there would still be a 'today,' and that there always will. I loved the futures we promised each other, but I loved you more than that."

"I'd do anything to be with you forever, for us to last forever," the blonde chuckles softly, rubbing away a tear. He stares out into the night sky, "Is that why you love stars so much? So that memories will last forever?"

This time, George turns around to make eye contact with Dream.

His brown eyes still carry the same amount of brightness. The same spark he knew was always there. It becomes even brighter as the corners of his soft lips upturn into a small smile. George nods, not breaking eye contact.

"To the stars, everything is forever," the brunette whispers, and Dream feels his heart break a little more as he hears George's voice again. He looks to the side and at the blonde, eyes saddening. "I broke my promise, Dream. I admit it."

"I know."

"I made promises I couldn't keep and lied you into believing them," George says, a bit louder now. His voice trembles in the still of the night, slightly echoing.

"I know, George. I know."

"No, you don't, Dream. You don't know everything. You don't know the pain I had to go through knowing that Ill hurt the one person I loved the most. I saw you slowly destroy yourself, each bit of the Dream I once loved faltering," the brunette sobs into his hand, breaking eye contact. "I knew that I'd still love you if you were broken, and I knew that you would do the same for me."

It's silent for a bit, but it's comfortable, honest. Everything between them has changed drastically, but the thing that made them special was still there—would always be there.

"I knew that I was already broken when I met you, and I had accepted that already. I loved you because you made me whole, you made me feel a sense of belonging I never knew was supposed to be there. You held me and somehow put together the pieces that were destined to be broken apart," George cries, letting out stuttered breaths. "I watched you break ever so slightly in front of me, and I knew that it'd never change—not until both of us were broken."

The brunette laughs softly into the darkness, leaning up towards the sky and letting subtle beams of moonlight reflecting off of his tear-stained face.

"We're both broken now, there's nothing left to protect," George admits. "The whole time, I thought I was protecting you—shielding you from all of those things I didn't want to face, and I realized that you were the one protecting me in the first place."

George looks up at Dream, his eyes shining with tears and apology.

"You were always looking out for me, putting my needs in front of yours, and- and I hurt you, Dream. I did the the thing I swore I wouldn't do to you. I knew that you would hurt, and I did it anyway. I convinced myself that it was okay—that you wouldn't hurt so bad, but I was wrong," George says, breath shaking. His whole body racks with sobs as he hugs his knees to his chest, an obvious attempt of hiding from Dream.

He doesn't want to break in front of the blonde. Dream's seen it too many times already, and he's always done the same thing. He'd always run over to George's side, no matter the circumstance, and hold him so close he swears that he'll never let go. He would feel the brunette's chest rise and fall as he breathed against Dream's body.

heart monitors-dreamnotfoundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora