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Third-person, but will describe actions of each of them (???)

"How was visiting my house?" George asked through the phone.

The blonde laughed, "It was actually really nice. I love the decorations that they put. Very lively."

"You sound like an interior designer now."

"Future occupation, I'm coming," Dream laughed, shifting the phone so it rests comfortably on his shoulder.

They share a moment of silence before the brunette speaks again.

"I bet it looks different, I've only seen it through a phone screen," he puts out, trying to sound positive.

"Oh. When was the last time you saw it?"

"They just started moving in. Boxes, empty walls, that type of stuff."

"Huh," he responded, not knowing what else to say.

It was weird enough not to live at your own home, but not ever seeing it was a bit offputting for Dream. Of course, there was no other way, but it was a bit sad for him to realize that.

"Yeah, but it's okay, I don't mind at all," George put out, sensing that something was wrong with Dream. "I just didn't want things to be awkward with you and my family or whatever. I was surprised that you even agreed!"

Dream smiled and flicked on the light switch of his room, letting his eyes adjust to the newfound brightness. "No, they're actually really cool - cooler than my family, anyways. It was nice to meet them."

"I hope Molly didn't scare you too much," George laughed.

The blonde set his backpack on the carpeted ground and sat on his bed, back leaning against the wall.

"Oh, as if. She's a really sweet kid, hardly any resemblance to her brother."

Dream could almost hear the mock-annoyance from his companion.

"Just kidding for that part, but really. You two don't look alike, maybe just your hair and eyes, but nothing else."

"Yeah, I get that a lot. She's a really bright and lively person. That, I can agree," the brunette added. "So, what are you doing?"

George chuckled, his laugh ringing through the speakers of Dream's phone. "I'm stuck in this hospital, there really isn't much to do."

"You can always look outside," the blonde offered, "That's what I do when I'm bored."

"You don't happen to notice that there's nothing but eternal darkness out there, right? It's currently, what, eleven o'clock?" George said sarcastically, "It's far too late for a sunset, those are always really cool," he said with a small sigh.

"No, just look outside, trust me."

"You are insufferable, Dream."

"Do it."

"Fine," George announced with a groan. He got up gently, making sure that he didn't step on any wires and medical equipment. Shuffling to the window, George pulled back the shut curtains, revealing the sky that lay vastly behind the glass panes.

As expected, there was nothing special about it - just a large black sky that had nothing but eternal darkness. This reminded George of his nights during the earlier stages of staying in this hospital. Those restless, brain-washing times where he would sometimes sit at his desk, staring into the emptiness and wishing he would just disappear into the comforting darkness of the sky.

"So? What do you see?"

"Dark sky, lots of buildings, what else?" the brunette answered in a mocking tone. "Dream, what's the point of this?"

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