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Dream stood by the entrance of the open door, one hand on the hinge of the door and the other holding the same black clipboard.

George stared back with wide eyes, surprised that the blonde had kept his word about coming back.

"Hey," Dream said, smiling a little. "Can I come in?"

The brunette shrugged, trying to keep his happiness on the down-low. "I guess so, yeah."

Dream's smile became even wider as he stepped into the cold room and closed the door behind him. He set his clipboard on the small table and sat down on the seat he had sat on yesterday.

"Are you writing to someone?" the blonde asked, observing the open envelope on the bedside table.

"Yeah," George responded. He was glad that he had written the letter to his sister the day before. The last thing he would've wanted is for Dream to find out that he was writing about him. "I'm writing to my old friends from Britain, just so they won't forget me," he added with a small laugh.

"Forget you?"

The brunette's smile faltered, the tip of his pen clicking against the paper set on the desk. "Yeah, I'm a pretty forgettable person," he shrugged.

"No, you're not," Dream put out, smiling a bit. "I remembered about you, didn't I?"

George laughed, "Hm, I guess so."

The blonde nodded as he watched George keep scribbling on the letter paper. "Do they often forget about you?" Dreams asks, raising an eyebrow. "If they forget about you, I don't know if you can call them real friends."

George shrugged again. "I think it's pretty hard to remember a person from a long time ago, and he's a pretty forgetful person," he laughed, his voice echoing through the room. "But I don't mind, I'm fine with reminding people about my existence."

Dream mumbled something that sounded close to, "Hm, okay," before the room turned silent again. The paper crinkled under George's touch as he put his pen down and read over the letter one last time.

"So you used to live in Britain, huh?"

The brunette looked up and met Dream's gaze. For the first time, he realized that his eyes weren't a pure green, there were little hints of gray mixed with the clover shade. George quickly looked away as he realized that he was staring a bit. Instead, he began to fold the letter in half and put it in the envelope.

"Yeah, I moved here for the healthcare," George said as he sealed the flap shut. "I haven't really seen the real Florida, whatever that really means."

"Eh, don't worry. You're not missing out on anything big. It's a pretty bland place."

"I heard the beaches are amazing," George said as he leaned against the headboard.

"That's kind of it, but you kind of get used to it after a while, and no longer becomes special."

"I can see that happening," the brunette laughed, adding his finished letter on his bedside table. There was a pile of letters under the new one, all written to different people.

"You write a lot?" Dream asked, pointing to the stack of paper.

"Not really, not anything important, anyway. It's kind of so I can write to people outside of the hospital," he responded. "I think using digital communication is kind of unnatural," he added.

"Oh no, are you one of those kids who graduate with a 3.98 GPA?" Dream laughed.

"No, but I did memorize a dictionary before."

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