Chapter 11

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I was exhausted when I got back to my new place at close to 3am. I dragged my suitcase into the apartment as quietly as I could, then tiptoed into my room and crashed. My body was stiff and sore, and I didn't even change into pajamas. I just threw the blanket over me and prayed that Erin wasn't too noisy in the mornings. Hell, she didn't even know I was back, so hopefully she was!


               "Billie! Billie! Yes, Billie!" came the cries through the thin wall separating my room from Erin's and I was awake in a flash. I could hear the bed creaking, and occasionally bouncing against the wall and knew right away what was happening. I have no idea who Billie is, but evidently Erin likes him or her just fine. I pulled one of my pillows over my head and tried to get back to sleep. Thankfully, Billie didn't last too long, though he was very quiet, and Erin gave one final cry before I heard the shower going. Yeah, that didn't put me in a mood at all. It isn't like I haven't been with anyone in like nine damned months or anything.

               Luckily, once her shower was done, Erin was nice and quiet, and so was Billie, since a short time later I heard Erin humming happily as she left the apartment. With a relieved sigh, I fell back into an exhausted slumber.

               I awoke later, my body feeling much better. I was still a little sore, but it was manageable. I made my way to the attached bathroom and was happy to find good water pressure and a lot of hot water. With a nice hot shower, I was feeling much more human, and my belly decided it would be a good time for food.

               I found myself at a local burger place with a nice bacon cheeseburger, strawberry shake and onion rings as my belly's grumbling finally subsided. I had a couple more days free where nobody would know where I was, and I wanted to make sure I was ready the next time that Max showed up, because I had little doubt that he would.

My best bet was to get some self defense items, so I started looking around for what might sell things like that. I settled on an Army/Navy surplus store, since they said they sold pepper spray. When I got there, it turned out they sold a lot more than that! Knives, camo gear, all kinds of things that would be useful if I wanted to play war games, and surplus uniforms were all over. There was also a muscular woman that looked like an ex-marine with blonde hair in a faux hawk manning the counter that I hoped could help.

"Excuse me!" I raised my hand shyly to get her attention, but fuck was she intimidating. "I was hoping to get some pepper spray, or other self-defense items. Can you recommend some?"

Her scary face quickly broke into a grin. "Self-defense? Sure thing! What kind of bitch is after you?"

I snorted, loving the idea of Max being a bitch. "Ex coworker. I have a restraining order, but he already followed me to San Fran, and I'd prefer not to be caught unprepared if he found me here too."

"Restraining order, pfft, nothing but toilet paper to some people," she scoffed. "You turned him down for a date or something?"

I shuddered at the thought of dating Max. That was too repulsive. "That was never an issue. He knew I didn't like dick before we ever worked together. But he and his mom tried to kill me, and his mom paid the price. I guess he wants revenge? I just want him to leave me alone."

"Damn, bad ass! You killed his mom?" her eyes were wide, and she had a huge grin on her face.

I shook my head rapidly, holding my hand up to stop her. "No, no! I never touched her. Sharks got her. They tried to get me eaten, but they got her instead."

               Her mouth dropped open in shock. "Holy shit! You're the girl in the video thingy! In Australia, right? Trixie or something?"

               I dropped my head, sighing a little in embarrassment. "It's Trish. But yep, that's me."

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