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*Two years later*

George's heart stutters nervously in his chest as he wheels his much too large suitcase towards the door of the airport.

He's only been out of the hospital for a few months, and he hasn't quite gotten used to the outside world just yet. Things are so much busier and chaotic, and he holds his breath as people buzz past him in a hurry.

He hadn't been too keen on the idea of traveling alone, but he was so desperate to get out of Florida. There simply wasn't anything there for him anymore.

He steps forward, pulling his suitcase behind him, and the doors slide open to let in a rush of cold, crisp air. George inhales, fills his lungs with winter air, and then smiles. It's just beginning to snow, and he can't remember the last time he's seen snow.

He steps outside, and tries not to feel too overwhelmed by the cars that zip past. He watches people reunite with friends and family, and for a minute, he feels the same familiar loneliness that he's felt for so much of his life.


A familiar voice calls out to him at the perfect moment, exactly when he needs to be reminded that he's not alone anymore. He has Clay.

He thinks he must look like a complete idiot, smiling from ear to ear as he spots Clay standing near an old, dark green car that's pulled up to the curb. He rushes forward, completely forgetting about his suitcase and everything else in the world as Clay meets him halfway.

Familiar arms wrap around his body, and George buries his face in Clay's sweater, inhaling the same smell that he's already grown so fond of.

"I missed you," Clay murmurs with his face buried in George's hair.

George's face flushes, and he squeezes Clay tighter. He missed him too, more than he could ever put into words.

"You just saw me a couple of weeks ago," George teases, and he feels Clay pinch his side lightly.

"I don't care," Clay mumbles back, "I need to see you every single day, George."

George laughs softly, but his heart feels so full. He pulls back just enough to tilt his face up, and Clay smiles down at him as he quietly says, "I hope you're prepared for how clingy I'm about to become, George. You sure you don't wanna rethink moving in with me?"

George smiles, but he's already shaking his head.

"Never," he tells Clay, "moving in with you is the only thing I've been thinking about for months."

It's the complete truth; he's been thinking about it almost since the day he was discharged from the hospital.

Karl and Sapnap had been the first to tell him the news, that he was finally going to be allowed to leave and live a normal life.

At first, he was nothing but excited. It was exactly what he had wanted for so long. But after the excitement came fear, because he had no idea how to live a normal life anymore. He had no family, no job, and no place to live.

Both Karl and Clay had offered him a place to stay, and George bounced back and forth between their apartments because he was scared of overstaying his welcome.

A few weeks after being discharged from the hospital, Clay had found his dream home up north in Vermont. It was a little cabin that was situated in a pretty, scenic forest, and he used just about all of the savings he had to purchase it.

The purchase came with one major stipulation; he wanted George to go with him.

For George, the decision had been simple. He said yes almost immediately, and he still smiles when he thinks about how excited they both were. Clay had picked him up and spun him around, and it had been that very same night that George realized he was completely in love with Clay.

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