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Dream hovers for a long moment. He feels rooted to the spot, like his feet won't work even if he tries to move himself forward. His palms grow warm, and he watches Karl as he walks back out the door.

Sapnap's hand touches his shoulder, and when he looks over, he sees that Sapnap's eyes are wide with worry.

"I didn't take his phone," Sapnap practically whispers it, and Dream's heart stutters nervously in his chest.

His mind immediately conjures up the worst possible scenario, and his mouth runs dry when he pictures walking outside to a flood of police cars and flashing lights. He's not even that worried about himself, but when he pictures Sapnap and George being handcuffed and shoved into the backseat, he feels sick.

He tries to shake away the image, but it clings to him and makes his stomach turn.

"You don't think he'd..."

Dream's voice trails off, and George is the one who answers.

"He wouldn't," George sounds sure, but his eyes are wide and he's staring at Dream like it could be the last time he sees him, "he's just upset. He wouldn't do something that stupid."

Silence hovers in the tiny kitchen, and Dream tries to give a smile that's reassuring. He nods once, and then leans down to kiss George's forehead.

"It's fine," he states, "it'll be fine."

He's only trying to convince himself, but George nods and Sapnap only looks at him, unsure and clearly worried. But Dream starts towards the door anyway, walking towards a fate that he's entirely unsure of.

As he steps outside, there's only calm silence. Birds chirp and a light breeze rustles the leaves overhead, and Karl stands just outside the door. His eyes narrow as Dream steps outside and closes the door behind him, and Dream immediately takes note of the phone clutched tightly in Karl's hand. The screen is illuminated and he can see the number that'll bring an end to this entire thing, and the nerves set in as he meets Karl's waiting gaze.

The air between them feels thick with tension, and Dream knows that Karl is the only person here to see him for who he truly is.

"I've seen you on the news," Karl starts, quiet and with a slight tremor to his voice, "and I know you have your reasons for doing all of this, but that doesn't make it okay. It doesn't change the fact that you've killed innocent people."

Dream tenses, and he knows that Karl is right. He's not a good person, and even though he doesn't need to be reminded of that, he nods anyway.

He had never meant for it to get to this point. He had never meant to take the lives of innocent people. But somewhere along the way, it all got muddled and confused. And now he can't any of it back, even if he desperately wishes that he could.

"I need you to give me a good reason," Karl keeps going, "just one good reason why I shouldn't call the police right now."

Panic rises in Dream's chest, and he thinks about George and Sapnap. He takes a step forward, and Karl immediately takes a step back, thumb hovering over the screen of his phone.

Dream's hands rise upwards in a silent surrender, and when they fall back to his sides, he answers, "if you call them, it doesn't affect just me. They'll take Sapnap, too. And probably George."

Karl's eyebrows furrow together, and Dream explains, "he was just in the hospital for a gunshot wound, and there was a dead body in his apartment. It won't exactly look good if he's here with us."

Karl exhales slowly, and Dream can see that he's considering the words carefully. He glances down towards his phone, and Dream breaths out in relief as he watches Karl clear the screen and slide it back into his pocket.

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