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The sun is just starting to dip below the horizon, and a light breeze carries across the park. Dream is being pulled forward by George, but he's more than happy to let George lead him to some unknown destination.

George's gaze is focused on a small group of trees that lies a few feet in front of them, just at the edge of the park. His pace quickens as they draw closer, and he tugs Dream forward as they approach the first tree.

George's hand falls away from Dream's hand, and Dream is left to watch as George examines one tree, and then a second. His eyebrows are knit together in concentration, like these trees hold the answer to some unspoken question, and he's humming quietly under his breath.

"George," Dream says, confused, "did you bring me all the way here to show me a tree?"

If George hears him, he doesn't bother with an answer. Instead, he moves onto a third tree that sits just a few feet away. And so Dream waits, and lets his eyes drift over the vaguely familiar park that surrounds them.

It's close to the home that he grew up in, and so he thinks it's more than likely that he's been here at least a few times. But he hasn't been anywhere near his childhood home in years, and he feels anxious knowing the house sits just a few streets away.

With a quickened pulse, Dream tries again, "George-"

He doesn't get out any more than George's name, because there's suddenly a huge grin on George's face, and he rushes over towards Dream and grabs his hand. He pulls Dream over to the tree he had just been examining, and Dream watches in confusion as fingertips run over the rough bark that covers the trunk.

"Look," George urges, "right here."

Dream leans closer, squinting to see the carved in letters that have faded with time. Just barely, he can make out the tiny letters that read 'C+G'.

It's a perfect afternoon; sunny, warm, and full of endless possibilities.

Eager to get out of the house, Clay rushes over to George's house to ask if he wants to go to the park that's just a few streets over. His mom hates when he wanders too far from the house, but she'll be gone all weekend, and he's been wanting to take George there for weeks.

He's thrilled when George agrees with no hesitation, and they ride their bikes over to the tiny park. They spend hours playing on the slide and the swings, and before they decide it's time to leave, George grabs Clay by the wrist and drags him over to a small group of trees.

Clay watches as George roots around through the grass, smiling happily when he finds a rock that fits perfectly into his palm. George stands back up, and as he approaches the nearest tree, Clay asks him, "what are you doing?"

George giggles quietly, but he doesn't answer. And when Clay steps closer, curiously glancing over George's shoulder, George swats him lightly and says, "no peeking. It's a surprise, Clay."

Reluctantly, Clay backs off, watching from a short distance as George focuses on scratching something into the bark of the towering tree. His eyes are narrowed, and he's chewing his bottom lip as he focuses on the task, and there's a light and fluttery feeling in Clay's chest as he watches George work.

After what feels like a lifetime, George takes a step back, head tilting as he admires his work. He motions for Clay to come closer, and Clay eagerly steps beside George to see what he's gone.

And in the bark of the tree, he sees the letters 'C+G'.

His chest floods with warmth, and he feels himself smiling as he reaches forward to run his fingers over the carefully engraved letters.

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