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George's phone lies flat on the table in front of him. He stares down at a number he barely recognizes, one he's only ever called a handful of times in his entire life.

Those past phone calls only ever ended in disappointment, and he can't help but think that this one won't be much different. His parents most likely won't agree to see him, not after his last impromptu visit to their house.

Dream's fingers drum against the tabletop, and George looks up to see that he looks just as nervous as George feels.

It's far too quiet, and Dream shakes his head suddenly, and states, "this is a bad idea. They'll probably trace the call and then we're screwed."

"I think it'll be fine," George tries to reassure him, but he has no idea how these things work. And the last thing he wants is to lead his parents straight to Dream and Sapnap's front door. He glances over at Sapnap for confirmation, and asks, "it'll be fine, right?"

Sapnap only shrugs, and George is suddenly all too aware of the gravity of their situation. He's just a college kid who was drugged and kidnapped from a local bar, and Dream and Sapnap are two wanted murderers who are obviously way out of their depths. And together, they're going after a group of professionally trained killers.

"Okay," Sapnap is the first to break the tense silence, "how about this. We make the call from George's apartment. His parents know where he lives, so if they do trace it, he won't be anywhere unexpected."

George nods slowly, and Dream hesitantly agrees, "alright, that makes sense."

George slides his phone into his pocket as he stands, and Dream stands on the other side of the table. But Sapnap steps forward and hurriedly states, "you're not coming with us, Dream. I'll take George over there."

Dream's brow furrows, but before he can argue back, Sapnap adds on, "George lives on a college campus, and you're all over the news. It's not worth the risk."

George wants Dream with him, but he knows Sapnap's words make sense. With Dream's height and stature, he's at a risk for standing out, especially in broad daylight. They already have so much working against them, and they don't need anything else going wrong.

He tries to give a reassuring smile, and says, "it'll be fine, Dream. We'll go to my apartment, make the call, and come right back."

He can see that Dream is tense and hates the very idea of letting them walk out the door without him. But there's not really a way to work around it, and so he finally gives in, "fine. I'll stay here. But if anything happens, call me."

George nods, and Sapnap tries to lighten the mood with, "don't worry, Dream. I won't let anything happen to your boyfriend. Scout's honor."

Dream rolls his eyes, and then steps closer to George and murmurs, "I'm serious. Call me, and I'll be there as quick as I can."

George smiles up at him, and responds, "I know. But I think we'll be fine."

Dream nods, but George can still see the tension in his shoulders and jawline. He thinks it's almost endearing that Dream cares so much for him, and he steps forward to wrap his arms around Dream and hug him. Warm arms circle around him, and Dream kisses the top of his head before mumbling, "be quick, okay?"

When George steps away, he promises, "I'll be back before you even realize I'm gone."

Dream nods in response, and George smiles before turning to face Sapnap, who's hovering near the doorway.

He gives George a nod, and silently, they leave the house together and head for the beat up car that sits outside. Sapnap smiles proudly as they walk towards it, and George can't help but mutter, "I didn't realize this thing even ran."

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