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I see a lot of you have figured out what happened and some of you haven't. And since I haven't even started writing the next chapter, I thought that I could do a little explanation without trying to spoil the ending lol.


Basically, this whole book up to now has been nightmares that George has been having all strung together to make a story. None of it has actually happened, it's only happened in George's head. This is why the original title was nightmare. :o

The only thing that's true are the flashbacks to their childhood, so yes, Dream and George are still childhood besties that hasn't changed.

Basically (and what will be explained more next chapter) is that the nightmares are a way for George to cope with what actually happened between his parents and Dream when he was ten. His parents still suck, and they still killed Dream's mom, but the flashback scene from last chapter is what actually happened after Dream's mother was murdered by them.

I hope this helps, and if you have more questions, you can ask them here! I'll try to answer them as long as I think it won't spoil anything. :]

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