•First Kiss✨Noah Schnapp

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Summary- You and Noah still haven't had your first kiss and you feel like it's because he doesn't like you

You and Noah have been dating for 8 months now and you both still have not kissed, I mean there were times when you guys were close to having your first kiss but every single time it was close  to happening Noah would pull away from you or, something would happen.

Honestly,you are happy to be in relationship with Noah, but you just wish he would work up the courage to kiss you already.

Today you,Finn,Noah,Sadie,Caleb and Gaten were all sleeping over Millie's house in celebration of the new season of Stranger things 4 and you were looking forward to it, because you get to see everyone and also spend time with your boyfriend Noah. But since you had somewhere to be you ended up coming a hour later than everybody else. Millie gave you a spare keys to her house a long time ago so you just unlocked the door and went into the living room seeing everyone watching a movie on the tv, Millie's face lighted up as soon as she saw you and she got off the sofa .

"Hey Y/N" she said giggling and pulling you into a hug. "Hey Millie" you said laughing as well and returning the hug. Sadie and Caleb waved whilst Gaten and Finn said hey and,Noah was staring at you but you wouldn't look in his direction.

"Y/N come and sit down" You looked at Noah and he was still looking in your direction, and as soon as he saw you looking at him he smiled at you and you smiled back he beckoned you to come over.

You walked over to where Noah was sat and sat next to him Noah pulled you into his side and wrapped his arm around you,you led your head into his chest and Noah was the first to speak."Hey babe" Noah whispered into your ear."Hi" you whispered back.

You were so glad the room was dark so no one could see how hard you were blushing right now.You and Noah stayed like that for the rest of the movie, and after a while Millie told you and Noah that you could get some food from the kitchen,you two were the last to go because everyone had already grabbed what they wanted because the both of you didn't realise everyone getting up because of how deep you were in conversation.

When you got into the kitchen Noah picked up a cupcake and bit into it, and some of the frosting got on his nose you couldn't help but laugh." Noah" you said in between laughs,Noah not knowing why you were laughing asked you "what" he said with a confused expression,looking at you as a sign to explain,you didn't speak you just walked up to him your noses almost touching because of how close your to were and placed your hand on his nose and wiped the cream of his nose and placed it in your mouth.

Noah just stared and you could see how hard he was blushing you didn't even realise how close you were Noah places his arms around you and leaned into you but just buried his face in your hair and then just like that pulled away and said he would see you in the minute when your done.

That made you feel really irritated that was literally the perfect time for your first kiss and he just pulled away, and that made you think was he avoiding kissing you? Is that why he kept pulling away when something was close to happening? Why does he keep making you think something is going to happen when it's not? You decided to save those thoughts for later,because right now you had a sleepover to get back too

When you went back in the living room you sat next to Millie instead, you weren't trying to be mean you just weren't sure of what you were feeling right now and you just couldn't face Noah right now .

Noah stared at you as soon as he saw you next to Millie but you refused to look at him you were too frustrated,you swear everyone looked confused but she didn't say anything,and the rest of the night all of you spent talking with Millie and the others and everyone pretended like nothing happened.

When it was time to go to sleep you told everyone that you were going to use the toilet and when you about to go in you heard Noah call your name he followed you there."Y/N what was that about" Noah said in a confused voice. "What are you talking about" you said "Y/N,me and you haven't argued about anything before so for you to randomly move away from me is weird" Noah said ," Noah want to know why it did it, it's cause you won't kiss me" you said looking down at the ground as you said it.

"Noah we have been together for almost a year and you have never kissed me not once,you haven't even kissed my forehead,is it cause you think I'm gross or something,because if it- Noah cut you off and placed his lips on yours. You shared a long passionate kiss.

Noah was the first to break the kiss he then placed his hands on your waist" Y/N,I just didn't think you were ready I mean you seem to get really embarrassed by all the little things I do,like when I even move a piece of your hair gets you so flustered,I didn't mean to make you feel like shit babe" Noah said with apologetic look on his face that made your face soften now you felt bad for being frustrated at him. All you did was kiss his cheek gently and said.

"It's okay you were just being patient with me,and I should've realised." You said giving him gentle smile, Noah smiled back and you too just stood there soaking in each other's presence, until you finally spoke"Noah can I go to the toilet please" Noah started laughing and so did you "Yeah of course you take your time"Noah said still in between laughter.

When you came back to the two of you  stay up cuddling  together and  eventually fell asleep with your arms around one another.


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