•Period✨Will Byers

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Summary- You start your period and Will notices and helps you.

Today was just like any other day Mr Clarke was banging on about weird stuff again, and to be honest you were surprised that you ever even bothered to listen to it. But today you couldn't concentrate to what he was saying because you had this irritating sharp pain in the lower part of your stomach, it's been bothering you ever since you got out of this bed morning,you didn't tell your mum about it because you know how overdramatic she can be when you say you feel sick or something like that, so you decided to try and ignore it but it was really hard because you couldn't concentrate on anything else other than the pain you were feeling right now. And all of a sudden the pain increased and you had to place your hands on your stomach because of how much it bothered it you, and Will noticed because he was sat across from you on his separate desk and he looked worried.

"Y/N" he whispered, you looked at him to show him
you were listening,"are you okay" you could see the concern in his eyes, and even though you were in so much pain right now,seeing Will worry about you was the cutest thing ever, and you started blushing at his cuteness but then realised that you were day dreaming but still looking at him, you quickly turned away in embarrassment , but still answered his question "Yeah I'm fine don't worry about me" you said to Will,he smiled at you and nodded and then continued to listen to Mr Clark again,you turned away and tried to face forward and saw max and Mike smirking at you the both of them and the rest of the group were aware of your crush on Will, and were always helplessly teasing you about it 24/7 you gave them both a annoyed looked and then turned back around.

The mysterious pain disappeared for most of the day but when you,El,Mike,Lucas,Max,Dustin and Will were at lunch the pain suddenly came back again but this time horribly,causing you to put your food down and cower over in pain, the group gave you concerned looks but Will started speaking before everyone else did,"Y/N are you alright?" Will said "No Will this time I'm really not,my stomach it really hurts" you placed your hands on your stomach and cowered in pain yet again, but this time Will got out of his seat and placed his hand on your forehead and you couldn't help but blush at the contact you were boiling."Im gonna take Y/N to the nurse,I will see you guys later but make sure you tell the teacher that i'm at the nurse with Y/N if I end up being late" Will said the others nodded whilst Will helped you get off the seat,grabbed your hand,and helped you get of your seat then he leaned his body against yours and placed his hands on your waist, which helped the both of you walk without you having to put that much effort in.

When you got to the nurse's office,she realised what was wrong straight away and sat you down on the hospital bed in the room."I know what's wrong with you, but do you want me to tell you in front of the boy or in private" she said, you looked at Will he was sat in the chair looking at you, it can't be that bad whatever it was and plus Will came all this way with you, you didn't want to make him leave he made you more comfortable."It's find you can tell me whilst he is here" the nurse nodded and spoke "you have started your period,just incase you don't know what that is it's when blood comes out if you and you get horrible pa- you cut the nurse off you already knew what periods were,but you didn't need her explaining that in front of Will that was way too embarrassing."Yeah I get it" you said a bit too fast you could feel Will's gaze on you."Look I'm gonna give you some pads to change into there is a small bathroom for you to do your stuff, but if you do- you cut her off again you didn't want Will hearing about this.

"Yea I know how to use a pad I'm gonna get changed into one know" when you came back out the bathroom, you were about to sit next to Will, but he stopped you,"what's the matter?" you said really confused,Will all of a sudden removed his jumper revealing another shirt underneath and pulled you against him and put the jumper on you ."you had blood on your jeans and since your smaller than me the jumper should cover anyone else from seeing the blood" he smiled at you and you blushed "thank you Will really you have helped me out a lot today" you said you two were now sat really close together."Anytime" Will said smiling at you softly. All of a sudden you both leaned in and shared a kiss,Will pulled you by the waist and you guys began to make out until Mike,El,Max,Dustin and Lucas walked in to check on you guys and saw that instead, Mike was the first one too speak "hey-ahhhh" they all started screaming and the two of you jumped apart in embarrassment. Lucas was the first one too break the awkward silence "finally you guys got together but do you really have to be doing this in the nurse's room? guys,imagine if that wasn't us that walked in we wanted to check on you and see if you were if- Max cut Lucas off "Y/N why are you wearing Will's jumper?" She asked in a curious voice "look thats a story for another time but me and Will were just in the middle of something so can you guys please get out?" you said in the nicest way possible the boys rolled the eyes whilst Max and El just smirked at you but they all left leaving you and Will alone again.

"Y/N I really like you"Will said blushing softly not gonna lie you were dying inside you never thought Will thought of you this way."Will I really like you too" you said blushing even harder than Will was. "Well will you go on a date with me?"Will asked nervously, you pulled Will in for a hug "I would love to go on a date with you, but once this pain is gone of course" you both laughed at your comment, and soon as you stopped speaking out of nowhere you heard claps and cheers from outside the door the group didn't go they were still stood outside the door you put your hands on your face in embarrassment whilst Will just laughed awkwardly. You my of been in agony that day but the guy you had a crush on finally asked you out,you couldn't be any happier

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