•Scared 2✨Noah Schnapp

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"Babe whats going on?"Noah said staring at you in confusion. "What are you talking about?"you said acting like its normal for you to sleep on the floor when you sleepover Noah's. " Y/N don't be silly you know exactly what i'm talking about babe, when you got here you were being you usual self and then as soon as you came back outside you kept avoiding me the whole time and it was quite obvious you were trying to find any chance to get away from me , and now you are getting ready to sleep on the floor when you know when you sleepover me and you always cuddle in my bed together" Noah said clearly sounding frustrated. " Noah I don't know what you want me to say too you I just feel like sleeping alone tonight alright" you were trying to distance yourself from him so he could realise that there are prettier girls out there to be his girlfriend but it wasn't working because when you said that it started to piss Noah off more.

"Y/N you are a really shitty liar can you just tell me the truth because we both know what you told me wasn't true
" Noah said in a annoyed tone. Thats when you got so frustrated and said "But what f I don't wanna talk about it Noah!?" You yelled in frustration which shocked Noah at how quickly you got frustrated which he replied with "Y/N if you don't tell me whats going on how am I supposed to make you feel better you know- you cut him off "Finee its about you going to Uni" you said in a quieter tone which Noah quickly picked up that him going may be really bothering you " Is that what it is babe do you want me to go to a uni closer to you so we can see each other more  of- you cut him
off and said "Noah of course not I could never me and you have been dreaming about you going there for years I could never take that away from you distance isn't the problem" you said in a soft tone.

Noah sat down next to you and pulled you into his arms" " baby talk to me its fine I wanna know" he said softly. "Look Noah the reason why I was upset  about you going to uni it's because I felt like that you would meet a prettier girl than me and want to break up with
Me"burying your face in his chest in embarrassment. Noah look shocked but then saw how upset you were about it and said gently "baby why would I ever do that to you I was in love with you throughout our entire friendship there is no way a girl that I haven't even know for a year would ever compare to girl who has always been the love of my life" you look up and saw Noah looking into your eyes and thats when you knew he really meant it you blushed hard. You sat in silence for a couple of seconds and Noah then said "Baby what made you think I would ever leave you?" Noah said in a genuinely curious voice. You simply replied with " the thought has always been in my mind but because I love you and trust you I decided to push past it but earlier I heard Miles say guys that go to uni  fall for the girls that they meet there and I panicked and thought you would leave me".

Noah pulled you into his lap and wrapped his arms around your waist and looked at you you wouldn't look at him so he said "baby look at me" in a gentle tone you looked him in the eyes and he said " baby do you know how long it took for me to find the courage to admit I had feelings for you it took  me seven whole years you really think that meeting a new girl will make  me loose feelings that easily Y/N you have my heart and  I don't think you  will ever understand  how you make me feel when I'm around you make me feel things I didn't know I could feel I love you more than life itself babe and nothing is ever going to change that". After he stopped talking you pulled him in for a passionate kiss that lead to Noah picking you up and pushing you gently onto the bed you began to make out for a while until you broke the kiss and said "Noah I love you I don't know why I ever doubted you". I love you too Y/N I love you too". Not long after that you guys fell asleep with your arms wrapped around each other

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