•Im sorry✨Noah Schnapp

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Summary- Noah keeps cancelling plans with you and you get mad.

You were so mad this is the fourth time this week that Noah has cancelled plans with you, the first time it was because he had to go shopping with his mum, then he had this really important dinner with his family, and now it's cause he has to go somewhere with Chloe, like don't get me wrong you were not a needy best friend, you didn't mind at all that Noah has  other friends or the fact that he is not always with you it was just the fact that this seemed too abnormal, I mean Noah has cancelled plans with you before but not this many times, so you knew something was definitely going on but you didn't want to confront him about it cause that would be way too awkward.

You decided to just try and get over it and go out on your own, you have been needing to go on a shopping spree for a while now and since your not going out with Noah anymore now is the perfect time. It was 16:00pm on a Sunday afternoon and you have been shopping for a couple hours now, and you were feeling hungry so you decided to go get some food, you were gonna go to chipotle but that's when you saw him Noah and he was with Millie I mean you know they don't like each other like that,and you believed them ,that wasn't the issue it was the fact that he lied to you when really he just didn't want to spend time with you. Tears were threatening to spill why would Noah do this to you? your relationship was going just fine, you even thought that Noah could've possibly had feelings for you, but you were clearly wrong,seeing that made you really upset and you immediately wanted to leave so you called your mom straight away to come pick up you, the car ride was silent until you're mum spoke "Y/N are you okay you haven't said a single word."

You didn't hear what your mum said because your were daydreaming out of the window still thinking about when you saw Noah, your mom called your name again "Y/N"? this time you answered "Yeah I'm fine" your mom knew your were lying but she decided to let it go. As soon as you got home you ran into your bedroom and went underneath the blanket you were trying so hard not to cry you were not gonna let this get to you. You led there for
like three hours until you heard a noise, you got out of the blanket to see what it was your phone was ringing, Noah was FaceTiming you were not sure whether to answer but you thought why not he can't hurt you any more than he already has."Hey Y/N!"Noah said happily."Hi" You said bluntly. Noah picked up on your blunt answer."Uh Y/N are you okay?"Noah said in a concerned voice. That made you so upset after everything Noah put you through he was asking of you were okay. "Why do you care Noah, you know what I'm not even in the mood to talk to you right now." You said telling Noah, he looked really confused you think he was about to speak but you ended the call before he could even move his mouth.

Noah's POV
I'm so confused why is Y/N so mad at me maybe it's because I haven't hung out with her all week, I should probably go to her house and check what's wrong.

My mum dropped me to Y/N's house, I know Y/N's mum wouldn't mind me being here and I love her but she is very talkative and I don't have time for that right now, wait I think I have a idea.

I started crying after I cut the phone off I don't wanna seem over dramatic but I can't believe Noah would do this to me , I was gonna go to bed since I didn't want to get lost in my thoughts, but then I heard my window open and Noah climbed through.
He looked at me and smiled I just stared what was he doing here."Hey Y/N" Noah said you ignored what he said and got straight to the point "Noah why are you here" you said clearly in a annoyed tone Noah was taken aback but he still spoke to you nicely" to talk to you, you seemed pretty mad on the other side of the phone" " Well of course I'm mad at you Noah! You have cancelled plans with me the entire week!" You said even more annoyed."Y/N I'm sorry about that, but you know I was busy" Noah said.You couldn't believe your ears Noah was lying straight to your face." Noah are you kidding me right now? your are literally lying to my face, busy huh so busy that you could hang out with Millie" you said finally letting it all out, Noah didn't know you saw him today shit he thought,he knew hanging out in public was such a bad idea, but he had to explain to you it's not what you though it was.

"Y/N I'm sorry I lied but I did it for a reason,but when I tell you you have to listen with no interruptions okay?" Noah said in a serious tone.You we're still really mad at him but you did want to his hear his explanation."Fine" Noah gave you a soft smile. " So recently I noticed something different about my feelings towards you" you were so confused "what do you me- Noah cut you off " I said no interruptions" he said in the same tone." Well the thing is that I didn't know how to handle these feelings so I avoided you, because I didn't know how to act on these feelings and Millie has been giving me advice on them all week so I cancelled my plans with you to get advice from Millie" Noah said finally.You were very confused " So you just admitted the fact that you did brush me off cause of these 'feelings' but what are they" you asked. Noah sometimes wished you weren't oblivious. He walked over to your bed sat on it and placed his hand on your face and said." Y/N I'm in love with you I was too nervous to tell you so all week Millie has been helping me try to confess to you, I never ever meant to make you feel like I didn't care about you anym-you cut him off by kissing him. you guys started making out with Noah pulling you into his lap and you eventually broke the kiss." Noah I'm in love with you too I'm so sorry for getting mad at you, I thought you didn't like me anymore" you said looking at your connected hands. Noah smiled at your cuteness "It's okay I should've just told you the truth but hey I think I have a idea." he said smiling brightly at you." What is it" you said with a curious voice." How about we spend the day together just the two of us and I promise this time I definitely won't cancel,I mean I have no reason too" he said lifting up your intertwined hands and kissing your one gently. you blushed gently "I like that idea" you said and you both shared a long hug.

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