{1}: Prologue

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I finally found the last file to be signed by me. On the shelf. They were kept all along the previous ones, I left them while going for a short coffee break. "Camila they aren't here!" I called out loudly looking for them.

"They are in your room Dr. Kim", she called back again. I sighed raising up my back and fixing my glasses as I entered my cabin. I was a psychiatrist. A clinical psychiatrist in the town of Korea. There were many patients, I didn't even expect these many before my degree. I wanted it although I was interested in reading minds.

I found them in the colum in my desk. They were mixed up with some other stuff. I didn't care and pull them all out with the diary on top of it. Seemed as if it was seen by someone. I couldn't control my coughing and kept the filed over my table. "Damn this mess", I mumbled and the diary was still held by me. Once again today I opened it.

"December 2015
Time: 4:30 am

I am awake, though I should be sleeping. The reason is this guy, yeah the same Namjoon I wrote almost 50 pages about ever since I came to this town. Today we went out again. It seems like a date but it isn't kinda night out.

He took this pic of mine.

We took the metro and guess what! He called me pretty again. I'm damn sure he likes me back. He is just afraid that this handsome boy would reject a nerd like him"

I sighed, tears almost welled up. I controlled taking deep breaths. Whatever I could say and do was nothing could make this better. It was impossible to meet him again. He must be somewhere so far, he knows English very well, maybe abroad.

I started to sign the file and them kept my head over the table playing with the plastic model of brain, removing the lobes and arranging them. "I hope you're fine Kim Namjoon...", I sighed hiding my face in my crossed arms rested over the table.

It all started when I went to the town. It was beautiful, I heard of it having pretty women, pretty sights and I never knew it had the most handsome guy I ever saw. Unconditionally falling for him was amazing.

I entered the town with my suitcase and my bag filled of books. Yeah for a new university and for the new post of my father in the town. It was an amazing day when we were in a new house. Away from much of the dust of the previous home.

It was rather prettier, I could see farms, although we were in a town. The view was mesmerizing once the sun was set. I couldn't wait to go to the college. I wanted to forget the embarrassing moments of the school days and move on with new people and maybe friends.

I got ready for the school the next day and my mother dropped me, even though I asked her not to pfftt...

She was really sweet. The sweetest mother. I sent her a kiss over her hand bowing down as we both chuckled. The gate looked huge and the university was painted darkest of the brick red with white windows. There was a climber that complemented the huge building. I was in an awe looking up.

At the very moment...the moment when I met him. My leg tangled with his and we fell opposite of each other. Others around didn't care. I didn't want them too.

His eyes were too sharp and face looked the softest. I didn't speak anything and gave him a hand dusting my pants and still looking down at the scratch over my knee that tore it.

"My bad man", he sighed with his hand scratching the back of his head. "I'm all fine. Uh I hope you're too", i remember it all. I fell for sure but fell harder enough later...

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