Some Things Endure

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Author's Note: Once again, I just want to express my sincere gratitude for all the support. Your comments, kudos/likes/stars, and DMs are wonderful.

I love hearing your thoughts and feedback and discussing the fandom in general.

I wanted to insert a bit of humour into this chapter to try and balance out all the angst. On the whole, this still remains a story with serious subject matter. But there will be a fluffy ending – and it has everything to do with that ring Data's been guarding.


Jean-Luc Picard watched the wine run off the sides of his glass as he swirled it in his hand.

For the last fifteen minutes he had been staring down at his drink.

It was late and Ten Forward was completely abandoned – it was typically the only time Jean-Luc ever popped in for a drink alone.

Normally he restricted his visits to official business or dinner with colleagues. He didn't think it was wise for a Captain to get too friendly with the crew or be seen in the lounge too frequently.

"Warm milk helps," Guinan said as she approached the bar.

Jean-Luc sighed.

"I always thought that sleep was related to the weight of one's conscience," Picard said. "And tonight I can feel it."

"Why?" Guinan asked.

"He came to me," Picard shared. "Days ago. And I had to be convinced to take up this cause."

Jean-Luc was horrified with himself.

"I bought into the argument that this was all for the greater good," Jean-Luc went on. "It didn't even phase me that I was reinforcing a system that's let this man down for ages."

"And now you feel responsible for fixing it," Guinan said.

"I have to," Picard said as threw his arms out. "I gave him my assurance that Captain Louvois would find in his favour."

Jean-Luc had pleaded with them to return on his word that Louvois could be trusted.

"Now she's taunting me with this," Picard scoffed.

Guinan frowned.

"Is this attitude really about Data? Or is it about proving yourself to her?" Guinan asked.

"Of course this is about Data," Picard insisted.

He was offended by the very notion that it could be anything else.

"This is not a personal vendetta," Picard went on.

Guinan looked unconvinced.

"It's not," Picard repeated.

"I think you feel responsible for Data because Captain Louvois is a reminder of-" Guinan began to say.

"This isn't about that," Picard snapped.

He sat back and relaxed.

"I'm sorry," he apologised.

Guinan had a way of bringing out the best in Jean-Luc. She also had a way of getting under his skin when he needed it.

"You have always felt a certain responsibility for your crew," Guinan said.

"It's a Captain's role," Jean-Luc replied.

Guinan shook her head.

"No, this runs deeper," Guinan said.

Jean-Luc averted his gaze out the window.

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