On Ice

20 3 47

Author's Note: Ain't love wonderful?

Yes, yes it is. 

While this story is predominately about Data & Tasha, it is going to touch a bit on the history of Jean-Luc Picard and Phillipa Louvois.

I always found Louvois a fantastic character and was sad there wasn't more explored there. The Stargazer situation was a pivotal part of Picard's backstory. And I've always gotten the vibe there was much more between them.

The Case will not be the only time we see Phillipa – she's going to come back again in a later instalment. She's just far too good of a character to be one and done!

As for characters, Maddox is a complete creep. He's one of my big baddies and significantly more icky in this retelling. There are no redeeming qualities in this man. Brian Brophy did such a wonderful job portraying him in Measure of a Man, it's a real shame they didn't give more to work with.

Brophy had this subtle sense of malice about him that I love to hate. I'm really trying to write Maddox in that style.


"What are you doing out here?" Picard asked.

He directed Phillipa over to his table in the corner of the lounge and pulled out her chair.

"I'm in charge of the Twenty Third Sector JAG office," Phillipa answered.

It was a new addition to Starbase 173 and a part of the expansion.

"We're brand new," Phillipa explained. "I have no staff but one terrified little Ensign."

It would be another month before the first of her staff arrived. Phillipa was still combing through personnel records to fill out the rest of her team.

"Hopefully we can make some good law out here," Phillipa concluded.

With Federation policy changing along the border of the Neutral Zone, it was very possible that open diplomatic talks were just a matter of time. Travel and trade would follow and Phillipa presumed her selection had something to do with that.

Her experience in interplanetary relations would prove to be a valuable asset.

"So you came back to Starfleet," Picard remarked.

"The most exciting and worthwhile place to be," Phillipa said as she raised a glass.

They both took a drink and then Phillipa sighed.

"How I've missed it," Phillipa confessed.

Picard's brow furrowed.

"You had no reason to leave," he said.

Phillipa chuckled and shook her head. It seemed genial, but there was an unmistakable bitterness that coloured her response.

"They as good as forced me out," Philippa said.

"You've never been one to shy away from a fight," Picard said.

Phillipa took a sip of her wine and then sat back and shrugged.

"Part of that reputation comes from knowing which fights to walk away from," Phillipa responded.

Jean-Luc looked unconvinced by her answer.

"You know there was a little voice in my head that told me not to take the Stargazer case," Phillipa shared. "I could have passed the assignment on to Hawkins or Freich."

Phillipa paused as she was overcome with a memory.

"I had never once let my personal life interfere with the job. And we had just met," Phillipa said. "I wanted to prove to myself that I could never let my feelings dictate my role as an officer."

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