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Author's Note: Thank you all for your continued support of this series.

Long chapter alert! This one's lengthy. I just couldn't bear to cut any of it, though I tried to keep each interview short.

Based on the original script, I got the impression that Phillipa Louvois is passionate and thorough in regard to her work. I wanted to explore that and use it as a vehicle to give us some additional backstory on Captain Picard.

While not in the original script, Measure of the Man is the perfect opportunity for our supporting characters to really come together as a circle of friends for Data. This chapter is designed to give some perspective on that as it dives into Data's character through the eyes of his colleagues.

Thank you!


"I don't know what to say," Sonya stammered.

"I don't expect you to," Geordi replied.

The two had been planning to head onto the promenade on Starbase 173 for some shopping. Their plays were waylaid after Geordi received notice from Captain Picard that he would be needed at the JAG office.

After the Captain's visit, Geordi wasn't feeling much of anything.

He understood now why Data had felt he couldn't propose to Tasha.

Circumstances had indeed changed.

And Geordi wasn't quite sure if he should feel confusion, outrage, or grief.

Starfleet had declared Data property.

It was almost unthinkable.

Data had previously shared with Geordi his own fears about the shaky ground of his legal status. Geordi had never imagined that Starfleet could simply swoop in and take possession of someone.

The situation was all so sudden and absurd it seemed like fiction.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Sonya offered.

She could sense Geordi was bothered by the news.

"I really don't know what to say," Geordi replied.

He sat forward on the table and exhaled slowly.

"I mean, this is 2364," he shrugged. "I'm waiting for someone to jump out and say this is all some elaborate prank."

His tone was anything but amusement.

"I'm appalled," Geordi went on. "And I don't know where to begin with this interview."

He was due to report to the JAG office at 16:00 hours for an interview with Captain Phillipa Louvois. Captain Picard had advised that the interview would take approximately an hour.

Geordi was scheduled as the last interview of the day so that he would have adequate time to prepare himself and his report.

As Geordi's assessment was the most technical of the lot, Captain Picard was counting on him to provide a compelling case.

"Captain Picard said to come prepared, but I don't know how or why it's necessary to go through Data's technical specifications," Geordi argued. "I mean he's Data. He's my best friend, not a warp coil!"

Sonya reached out and took hold of Geordi's hand.

"There's something else about this that bothers you," Sonya observed.

Geordi paused.

There was something else. But given the circumstances, Geordi felt it was selfish to focus on it. He quickly squashed the thought that had been lurking in the back of his mind.

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