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I'm going to be real honest I really cannot get back into writing on this book I'm so sorry for being a terrible author and not finishing it but if it makes up for anything I'm writing a Stanley Uris book. It's a teen love book and I've been wanting to write a book off of IT ever since the 2017 movie came out and now that my writing is getting better I plan on working on that. so this is officially my sign off of this book and if anyone would like to take this book and write on it themselves they can but please dm first about it if you do. The Stanley book isn't out yet but I am working on the first chapter and they will be long ones : ) anyways I love you all so so much and I really appreciate all the reads on this book and love. Please don't leave any hate either because I really do wanna write more for you guys but I just don't find an interest in writing on Baylen anymore 🥲

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