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Meanwhile at the secret place:

M2: We kept him in the basement. Shall we go? 

H2: He’s a dead meat today!

Then M2, H2 and Lini went to the basement to see the captive. “Welcome!” M2 said to the captive (he was a boy). “Who the hell are you? Where am I?” the captive. “well we’re the hell that you never wanted to be in!” H2 said with a smirk. “Just leave me!!!!” the captive said. “you’re free to go if you answer a question!” h2 said. “Tf…. you abducted me to give answer to your f***** question? YAAHHH, LET ME GO!!!!” the captive said while struggling with the rope that was tied to him. “OHHH Boy!! That question is much worthy to answer!!!” m2 said. “Listen let’s keep it simple. Just answer the damn question and you’re free to go. Who hired you to kill Min Yoongi???” H2 asked the captive. “I’m not going to say. It’s against the rule of my work,” the captive replied. “I’m asking you politely. Just say the name and you’ll be free,” H2 said again but the captive didn’t reply anything. “AAGgghhhrrhhh….,” the captive groaned as a big punch he felt in his face which was given by H2. “He’s no work for us. Let’s just kill him,” saying this H2 took out a gun and pointed it towards the captive. “NOOOOOO,’’ the captive shouted. “Why??? You invited it by yourself so now face it!” saying this H2 pulled the trigger and was about to shoot but then the captive said, “NOOO please don’t kill me. I’ll say everything. Please just don’t kill me!!” “SPEAK UP!!” H2 said. “Can I get a glass of water first? Please!!” the captive pleaded. Then H2 signaled Lini to bring a glass of water for him. Lini brought a glass of water but then he(the captive) again requested to open his hands up because he wanted to drink the water. H2 opened up his hands and gave him the glass. As soon as he( the captive) took the glass and drank from it he grabbed up H2 and pinned H2 against him by H2 s neck and threatened all of them of killing H2 if they don’t let him go. Lini and M2 got scared for a moment while H2 remained calm. “I knew it!! He’ll do something like that!” h2 said while struggling. “so you wanna die little one!!let me go or today will be the last day of your life!” he (the captive) smirked and said. “are you sure that my day is gonna be the last day or yours?” H2 said. “What do you me...?” he couldn’t finish his words and H2 kicked his leg and he fell down. Meanwhile H2 got free and pointed out the special gun towards his face. “I told you to tell the truth and leave by yourself. (Sigh) But it’s looking like you wanted to leave this world! So your wish granted sir. Goodbye!!”  by saying this H2 pulled out the trigger and was about to fire but then the captive said, “I….I’ll..say the truth. I’ll te..tell everything. Ple..please don’t kill me!” “this is how the person begs you while you kill them (punch) but you (again punch) you don’t even care (punch). Then why would we??” H2 said while punching him to death. The captive passed out by getting continuous punch from H2. “Take him and make sure he utters everything,” h2 said to lini. Then they took him to the other room and treated him. “we must go now. It’s already late,” M2 said. “Hmm,” said H2 and both of them left the secret place.

Same night at Hybe:

You went to sleep after the tiring day but you couldn’t. You were feeling restless so you thought to have some fresh air and you decided to go to the terrace. You went to the terrace but when you opened the door you found someone already standing and his back was facing towards you. “Who’s there?” you asked and the person turned around. It was Jungkook. “Bunny!!” you said. “What are you doing here?” you asked. “Nothing, just didn’t feel good so thought of coming here,” jungkook said. “And you?” jungkook added. “couldn’t sleep so thought of having some fresh air,” you said. “come, let’s sit here,” he said and pointed to a particular part of a terrace which was at a corner. “you should go and sleep now! You have shoots tomorrow also recording for the new songs,” you said. “Just 5 more minutes,” jungkook said. “Ok,” you said. Both of you sat there and didn’t talk for a while. But you could see in his face that something is surely bothering him. “jungkook?” “Hmm” he replied. “we are friends right?” you asked. “yes! Why are you asking this?” he said. “to remind you that friends can share anything with each other. What is bothering you inside? Tell me. Is it related to today’s incident?” you asked. “Hmm, how do you know?” he said. “MAGIC!!!” you said. He laughed a bit. “Bunny. Don’t worry. It’s all ok now. That person is in jail right now and the police officers are investigating this matter,” you said. “Nothing will happen to yoongi hyung!Right haeyeon?” jungkook said being tensed all over. “Nothing will happen to any of you. I promise!” you said while assuring him. But you saw that still he was in thoughts of today’s incident. So you thought to distract him by mentioning of their new album. You very well know that he loves singing and dancing. “How’s your practice going? All good?” you asked. “Its going quite well. You know Haeyeon! Everybody is going to have their solos in this album and suga hyung will produce it!!” jungkook excitedly said. Seeing the sudden change in his expression you were quite relieved. “I know bunny, after all I’m the sub manager! You forgot!” you said while smiling.  “No chance. But you know I really want to write the lyrics of my solo one but I wrote half and I’m stuck in the middle of a line,” jungkook said with a sad expression. “what’s the lyric? Can you show me if its permitted?” you asked. “Of course, I can,” saying this jungkook took out his phone and opened the file of his lyric. “Here,” he said giving the phone to you. You took the phone and started reading the lyrics.

                “If I think of love

                I would think of you..

Your uplifted sparkling eyes,
         The sweetest smile curved in            those cherry lips..
Your heart that shines more than the sun.
        The way you hold my hand with the warmest gesture
The way you look at me with the softest eyes,
         Everything drives me crazy…”

You read the lines and admired how simply in a beautiful way he wrote the lyrics. “Woww Bunny, romantic lines huh…” you teased him. “kinda…” jungkook laughed and said. “But I’m stuck here. I mean I want to write but cant figure out. I want to put more expressions and love in the lyrics…” and he goes on speaking about the lyrics. Meanwhile you started typing on his phone and he didn’t noticed that. After a good five minutes you handled him his phone saying, “here, read it.” “what is it?” he asked and took the phone and started reading loud.

             “I want to be in that heart forever

               I want to get lost in those sparkling eyes forever

               I want to hold that hand forever

               I want to grow old with you

               Will you please stay by my side till the very end?

               Because if I think of love

               I would think of you.. only you”

He finished reading it and remained shocked for a moment.

Thankyou so much my beautiful souls.🖤✨ I can't believe my story got 50 reads. though the numbers are quite low but the effort and love you all gave is priceless for me and precious too.🥺✨
I love you all and sorry because I was busy last week.🥲
But I came back and I hope I didn't bore you guys with any of my part.😑If I do so then I'm sorry but that's my sort of imaginative things.Can't help yaa ..😂Anyways please don't take any of it seriously cz it's an imaginative story.🥸 And also please bear up with the lyrics I've written. As I'm not a singer or a Lyricist. So the things that came up in my mind I poured that out.😑
I hope y'all like this part as well.
Stay safe and healthy.🖤

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