Chapter 16: school

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Callies POV
I was woken up at 6 AM by Mariana and I remembered it was the first day back to school for me. I sat up in bed and I wasn't feeling well today. I was feeling nauseous and I wasn't sure if it was anxiety or something else. I shook it off and walked into the bathroom to shower. After showering I walked downstairs to see everyone eating breakfast. "Callie love eat some pancakes it's a big day today". I heard Stef say. My head was spinning but I ignored it. I've waited almost 3 months to finally go back to school and feeling a little sick wasn't going to stop me. After breakfast we filed our way into the car and before I knew if we were at school. I wasn't ready for this.
Lena's POV
I walked Callie to her first class and I was her in class AID for the day. She say in her seat and was shaking her leg. I grabbed her leg to relax her but it didn't seem to work. I didn't know whether she was nervous or frustrated. The teacher handed out assignments and for the first five minutes of being handed the paper she just stared at it. Something was up but I didn't say anything in order to not embarrass her in front of the class. She leaned down to grab her bag and left the classroom. I followed calling her name but she completely ignored me. She walked into the hallway and slammed her fist into the locker drawing blood. "Honey please calm down, what is going on"? I asked gently. "I-I can't do this. I read to slow and the work is to hard I'm dropping o-out". She said then reaching for a hug. Something more than being frustrated at the school work had to be going on. We gathered her bag and headed home for the day. Maybe I was right, maybe she wasn't ready for school. Was she ever going to be? I just wanted my girl back to who she was. The sweet guarded girl that came  to live with us. My heart was broken but I knew I needed to figure out what was actually going on.

A/N: I am really stuck about where to take the last few chapters so if you guys could help me out that would be so much appreciated! Thank you so much for reading and sorry this chapter is so short.

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