Chapter 11: who could do this?

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Lena's POV
"Hi I'm Allison from CPS may I come in"?  Those words swirled around my head at a million miles a minute and I felt sick. All the kids we're adopted why would a social worker show up at our door? Sure we had our issues with Callie's adoption but it was finalized, she is adopted. "We have recently gotten a tip off of two things. The first being, the drug usage in the house. The second was the level of care Callie is receiving". Drug use? What the hell did she mean drug use? "Drug use? What drug use? No one in this house uses drugs and second of all level of care Callie is receiving? I have taken a leave of absence to care for Callie round the clock". I quickly said. "I can't tell you who reported you but it was from a reliable source that had proof of exchanged messages. The drug use was reported to be by Mariana adams foster. Though there are reports here of Callie not being properly cared for she looks perfectly safe to me. We will get back to that but for now is the drug usage. Is it true your daughter Callie was attacked by her sisters ex boyfriend because Mariana was delirious from taking pills? Is it also true that Callie would have never been in the situation she was in if it wasn't for Mariana being high? Is it then safe to say Mariana being in this house is a threat to Callie and one of them should be removed"? She finished without saying another word and I was horrified. What did she mean one of them should be removed. They were adopted they couldn't just take them away. I was breaking, and I was breaking quickly. My life was absolutely crumbling.
Stefs POV
"You have no warrants to search the house and no proof Mariana is using drugs. I would like the records for those supposed texts and I want you to know Callie has the best possible care she can get right here". I said. I know the law and I knew her trying to remove one of them was against the law. There had to be a motion in action for them to remove her. They couldn't just come in demanding it. I wrapped up the conversation with the social worker and all our kids were thankfully allowed to the spend the night in their own beds. I slammed the door shut and saw Callie was wide awake with tears rolling down her face. I slowly walked over to her with everyone slowly following. I bent down in front of her and I saw her eyes searching for me but she couldn't seem to focus on me. I grabbed her leg and it was like she finally found me. "Mom scared" she said. "Scared of what baby". I asked. "Social w-worker going to take me. M-Mariana was high. That's why I hurt. I remember". My whole word stopped. Callie remembered what happened. "Oh love. Mariana is so sorry about what happened just like all of us. No one is going to take you from us". I said. I felt her relax and then felt her fall asleep in my arms. I placed her into bed since it was pass dinner time and let her sleep for the rest of the night. We had a lot of shit to figure out.
Mariana's POV
I was sitting at my desk typing an essay when I heard a knock on my door. I turned around and both my moms were standing there looking angry. "So what does she mean she has proof of exchange of text messages" Stef asked. My mind went to 2 days before Callie was in the hospital. "Hey Sophia it's Mariana. I still have those pills if you wanted to take some. Callie is making us go to bay fest to get some signatures for a petition and I'm going to take them before. I need to forget about everything and just imagine something else". I texted Sophia that without a second thought. She never replied back to me and I should have known right then and there that I was screwed. I came back to my senses and saw Stef had my phone. She stood up throwing it on the floor yelling "so you were planning to get high that day? What did you plan for Callie to be changed forever? God what is wrong with you" she screamed at she stormed into her bedroom slamming the door. "Honey she doesn't mean it. We are just scared for you and now scared for Callie. A social worker could take anyone of you kids out of this house at anytime and we have no control over it. You need to be more careful and cut off contact with Sophia". She then stood up without another word and shut my door. I heard her walk downstairs most likely to check on Callie. God, what have I done. I have completely screwed this family up. Though I promised I would never do another pill in my life it seemed very appealing right now but I had to hold off. That social worker could return at anytime.
Callies POV
i woke up a few hours later and could tell it was dark but not what time it was. Wait, why was I in the living room and not my room next to Mariana. Oh that's right, Mariana screwed me when she took Jesus's pills and imagined nick there and me getting hurt. Then I thought to the social worker coming thinking she was going to remove me from the home. "Mama" I spoke begging she was next to me. "Yes honey" I heard and saw her curls to my right side. "Time"? I asked. "It's 8:03 PM. Are you hungry or did you want to go back to bed"? She asked. "Bed. But I-I mad. Really mad" I said as I felt myself start to breath heavy. Lena rubbed my back while I focused on my breathing exercises. We got to 5 deep breaths and I was finally calm again. "I mad at ma-Mariana. I knew s-she was taking the pills. I-I thought she was fine but she wasn't. She was high. A-and now I'm like this". I said breaking down into Lena's arms. I felt so depressed I just wanted to fade away forever. As I was getting ready to go back to bed I thought about AJ. "AJ when". I asked. "Soon honey soon just not tonight" Lena said. I shut my eyes and hoped this time I could stay asleep.
Jude's POV
having the social worker come to the door scared the shit out of me. What if they were going to come back and take Callie. I ran into my room after she left and heard Stef and Lena come up the Mariana's room. "You were planning to get high that day"? I heard Stef yell. Wait. Mariana planned to get high that Friday and wanted Sophia to get high with her? I heard Stef slam her way out of the room and then I heard Lena quietly leave. I ran to Mariana and Callie's bedroom slamming open the door. "So you were planning to get high? What were you planning for Callie to get hurt too? What the fuck is wrong with you? You know it was probably Sophia who called CPS on us. I hate you". With that I slammed the door and went downstairs to sit next to Callie On the couch. I grabbed her hand and she slowly stirred. "Hey Jude" she said. "Hi Callie" I said with a tear rolling down my cheek. "Why sad" she asked. "I know you are going to get better Callie but it's not going to be for a while. And I am really mad at Mariana. She planned to get high that day". I said, tears rolling down my face. She squeezed my hand and said "I get better s-soon and I-I know. I'm mad at Mariana t-too". I just squeezed her hand and didn't say another word. The reality was she wasn't going to get better soon. It takes years to recover and it's only been 2 and 1/2 weeks. I looked up to see Stef and Lena watching from the corner with tears in their eyes. They gave me a smile and walked away.
Mariana's POV
So you were planning to get high? What were you planning for Callie to get hurt too? What the fuck is wrong with you? You know it was probably Sophia who called CPS on us. I hate you". Jude screamed at me. He stormed out and Brandon stormed in. "Are you serious Mariana. Why is it that you can never keep your mouth shut. You always have to be talking or spilling some secret. And you know what some secrets are better kept then forgiven. Callie is a senior she is supposed to graduate this year go to Law school and be a lawyer but now that will probably never happen. All do to you"! I was heartbroken. If Brandon hated me the whole family did too. Brandon only ever yelled at me once and it was after Stef got shot. "Oh and another thing if you're going to keep taking pills you should move out. You know, so you don't kill anyone else. You almost killed my mom and now Callie is fighting to even be able to walk on her own. Everyone you touch you hurt". He left without saying another word and I thought moving out would be best. I could live with Ana but I don't think she let me. I went downstairs to grab a glass of water and saw Stef, Lena, and Jude sitting on the couch while Callie laid in her bed. They all looked devastated. Stef gave Me half a smile but I could tell it wasn't genuine. What could I do to gain my family's trust back.

A/N: ok well that was a long chapter. Let me know what you guys think and what you wanna see next!

The fosters: Callie's change Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ