Chapter 15: improvements

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Lena's POV
Two weeks have passed since Callie was released from the hospital the 2nd time and things are going well. She still struggles with her speech but her strength is great and she is slowly learning to read again with these glasses we purchased for her. The only issue, the anger problems. She was breaking things around the house, throwing things at people, yelling, and so much more. It was beginning to get out of control. We all loved Callie but there was times I was terrified.
Stefs POV
I saw Lena sitting in the living room looking to be in deep thought and decided to join her. "What you thinking about love" I asked. "Stef I hate to say this but I know Callie wants to go back to school but what if she has an outburst. I mean sometimes I'm afraid of her". I was taken back. Why would she be afraid of Callie. I mean sure Callie has had some violent outbursts in the last 2 weeks but she would never hurt anyone. She's never put hands on one of us. I heard foot steps from the middle of the stairs heading back upstairs and I ran to see who it was. It was Callie and she was crying. "Yeah I'm a monster. You're scared of me, got it". She said. Going back to her room slamming the door.
Callies POV
Hearing what Lena said about me infuriated me. Why would she be scared of me? She had always been there for me and comforted me I would never hurt her. I stormed to my bedroom and laid down on the bed staring at the wall. "Rough day" someone spoke. Mariana, it was Mariana. "I heard what mama said and I just wanted to tell you I'm not afraid of you. And I'm sorry and I'm so happy you are getting better". Even though I have been angry at Mariana for a really long time I think it's time I get over it. It's been almost 3 months and I'm recovering even though it might be slow I'm still recovering. I got up and gave her a hug. "It's okay I'm glad your getting better too" I said. I saw Stef and Lena walk by and smile. Maybe things were going to get better and I could go to school soon. I just had to keep my hopes high.
Marianas POV
Seeing Callie get better and better each day really made me happy. I was feeling less and less guilty as time went on but that guilt was still there. I would constantly have flashbacks and nightmares about Nick and seeing Callie on the ground. As I was thinking these thoughts to myself I heard a thud and looked over to see Callie having a seizure. "Moms" I screamed as loud as I could. They came running up and Lena bent down holding Callie's hand while talking to her. Stef gave me a hug as I was crying and those thoughts were coming back. Even though Callie had improved she would never be the same person she was. She finally stopped seizing and both moms helped her back into her bed. Her eyes shut almost immediately and she was asleep. Even though seizures are to be expected it's never something I'm prepared for. In that moment watching Callie lay in her bed I thought about the pills. Taking a shit ton and ending it right there. I didn't want to be here anymore. I haven't been fighting with the family as much but I knew they were still angry with me, especially mama. They both went downstairs and I decided to follow them. I learned in therapy to talk to them when I was feeling like this. "Hey sweets are you doing okay" Stef asked. "No. I know Callie is getting better but she's never going to be the same. I wish I could take it all back and change everything. Even though she has had less seizures her speech is still sometimes messed up and her anger problems are out of control. What if she hurts me one day" I asked now crying. "Oh honey she would never hurt you. The truth is she is going to be changed forever but she doesn't hate you or anything like that. I know she loves you" Lena spoke. This whole situation was a mess.
Lena's POV
After the whole seizure situation with Callie and then the mess with Mariana I was really starting to regret my decision of sending Callie back to school on Monday. It was Saturday and that meant she had two days left before going to school. I was worried she would have an outburst there and maybe hurt someone. She's never hurt or even touched one of us but she did get in Marianas face a few days ago over a little inconvenience. All I could do was hope Monday would go smoothly and the transition would be easy for her. She was still having trouble reading and I don't know if she is ready for her classes. I know how important graduating this year is to her but the reality is she may not graduate. She is very behind and I don't know if she is going to be able to keep up with the school work. I am nervous to say the least.

The fosters: Callie's change Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ