Chapter 1: justice for jack

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Mariana's POV
As I was sitting on the stairs near the bathroom I saw Nick appear right in front of me. He was staring right into my soul and I was terrified. I began to ran and called Jesus but he didn't answer. "Nick is here" I left on his voicemail. My next best bet was to call Callie. Thankfully she had answered. "Callie Nick is here and chasing me, I am under the bridge". I hung up the phone and hid behind one of the pillars holding up the bridge. I looked back and didn't see Nick. I lost him, thank God. The pills were starting to take their full effect and I felt myself begin to stumble. I sat on the grass and waited for Callie. That was when I realized Nick was never there. It was the pills playing tricks on me. Oh my God I thought. I had to call Callie back and let her know he wasn't here. As I took my phone out of my back pocket I felt  a hand on my shoulder. "Callie thank" I began to say. Nick, it was Nick, and this time it was not an imagination. "Mariana Jesus called me, are you okay? Let's get into my car and talk". He said. "No get away from me, you scared me, you made me afraid in my own bedroom get away". He then pushed me and I heard tires screech and saw Callie and AJ running towards me. "Hey get your fucking hands off of my sister" she screamed out while pushing him back. He then pushed her and punched her once to the forehead and once to the back of the head. She slammed down onto the ground, hitting her head once more. "Callie" I screamed out, immediately going down to her side. Nick was now sitting on the ground with his head between his legs rocking back and forth. AJ grabbed one of her hands while I grabbed onto the other. "Hey what in the hell is going on here. Callie oh my God", someone screamed out. Mama, it was mama. AJ let go of her hand to call an ambulance while Lena grabbed onto her hand. Callie was now unconscious and all of a sudden she began to shake. "Callie, Callie don't worry baby an ambulance is on the way" mama spoke. Her seizure wasn't like a normal one; it was violent. She was shaking like crazy and began coughing. Luckily the paramedics arrived and I let go of her hand feeling myself begin to get dizzy. The 5 pills I took were now really setting in. I couldn't see straight and I felt myself pass out.
Lena's POV
As the entire family was searching for Mariana my phone began to ring. The name Callie flashed across my screen. "Mama Nick is here and with Mariana, she is under the bridge, AJ and I are going there right now". She said quickly. I was luckily only a minute from the bridge and began running. Nick was going to hurt her and I had to stop him before he did. As I turned the corner to the bridge I saw Nick push Mariana and Callie running full speed ahead to them. "Hey get your fucking hands of my sister" I heard her yell. Nick then turned from Mariana to Callie and pushed her, striking her in the head twice. She immediately fell to the ground and the back of her head slammed into the ground. I ran over to her, taking AJ's spot and grabbed her hand when she began to seize. AJ was calling the ambulance while I stayed with Callie and Mariana while Nick just sat there rocking back and forth. Callie's eyes remained closed and then she began to seize. My nightmare was coming true. After all Callie had gone through I was going to lose her. I couldn't lose her like this. Not to Nick. The ambulance had finally arrived and they pushed us out of the way. They began suctioning her mouth and loading her onto the stretcher. As Callie was being loaded into the ambulance Mariana then passed out. Did Nick hurt her before I got there? What in the hell was going on? Thankfully she woke up after 10 seconds and started crying. "AJ take Mariana to the hospital to get checked out. I have to go with Callie". I said. I jumped into the back of the ambulance with Callie and at this point she had finally stopped seizing. Her eyes were now opened and the paramedics began giving her IV's of medicine. "Mama" she choked out. "I'm here baby I am here". I said while crying. I didn't want to scare Callie by crying but I was scared shitless. We finally pulled into the ambulance bay and she began seizing again. "Ma'am I am going to have to ask you to step out of the way" the paramedic said. She was wheeled into the hospital still seizing and I was panicking. "You are not allowed to come back here, you can wait in the waiting room and we will come and get you when she is ready". The nurse said. "She is my daughter I am going back there" I said as I pushed my way through. She wasn't stopping seizing and I was panicking. The monitor she was attached to started beeping rapidly and then it stopped. "She's in a-systole getting the AED ready. Shocking now". I heard a doctor yell. The nurses pushed me out of the room and I was forced to watch from the window. The last thing I saw was a team of nurses and doctors performing cpr on my daughter and after what felt like a lifetime I heard a doctor say "we got her back". Okay, she was okay for now.
Stefs pov
As I was running around the festival I heard my phone ring. The name AJ flashed across my screen. "Stef it's me Callie is hurt. Nick hit her and she had a seizure and was rushed to the hospital. Mariana then passed out and I brought her to the hospital. She is completely fine, awake and talking". My heart stopped. Why would nick hit
Callie and why did Mariana pass out?
What in the fuck was going on? I
gathered the rest of the family and
rushed to the hospital. I told the kids
to wait in the waiting area and rushed
to the nurses station. "I'm here for
Mariana and Callie adams foster
please. I'm their mother". "Yes ma'am
Mariana is in room 5 and Callie is in
the ICU. she is not allowed any
visitors right now". The icu. Why
would she be in the ICU? I pushed my
fear away and ran to room 5. Mariana
was sitting up on the bed and the
nurse was getting paper work ready.
"So your daughter came in after
passing out due to taking adderall.
She was delirious and her blood
pressure was a little high but she is
okay and ready to be discharged".
Adderall? She was high on adderall? I
signed the papers and brought her to
the waiting room. "Mom I'm so sorry I
really thought Nick was there". She
said, I turned around confused. "What
the hell do you mean you thought he
was there"?! I asked. "I thought he was
there but it was the pills. They made
me hallucinate he was there and
called Jesus but he didn't answer so I
called Callie and that's when he hit
her and she had the seizure. I am so
sorry". She said, I was infuriated.
Callie was in the hospital because
Mariana imagined all of this. I stared
ahead taking a deep breath trying my
best not to yell at her. I told the
family to follow me to the ICU waiting
area and once we sat I saw Lena come
around from the corner. She looked
horrified and I could tell she was
crying. "Love what is going on why is
she in the ICU? I asked. "Let's talk in
private". She said, her voice breaking.
"Callie and Aj saw Mariana and nick
and nick pushed Mariana. Callie
jumped out of the car and ran to nick
and that's when he flipped. He pushed
Callie and then punched her in the
forehead and back of the head. She
had 2 seizures. And then, she um, she
went into cardiac arrest. They got her
back but I'm so fucking scared. What if
she doesn't make it". She hugged me
tighter than she ever had sobbing into
my arms. "She will be okay love she
will be okay". I said. This was a lot
worse than I had thought.

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