Chapter 3: Awake

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Callies POV
My eyes had finally opened and I was blinded by the brightest light I had ever seen. Once I regained focused I saw someone in my room. They had big curly hair but I couldn't see them straight. Finally after what felt like forever their face came into focus. Lena, it was Lena. I tried to speak but the words wouldn't come out. Then I realized I had something in my mouth. A group of people came into the room and starTed talking to me but I couldn't understand what they were saying. They were talking so fast it was a jumble of sounds. They started taking the thing out of my mouth and I was coughing. This was terrible. The thing was finally out and I felt myself relax. I could finally breathe normally. "Hey baby mama is right here. I'm going to call mom". Someone said. Why did they voice sound so familiar. Mama, mama was Lena. I remember Lena when I was hurt. But how did I get hurt? Was it a car accident? What happened. I looked down and saw IV's in both of my arms and I was wearing a Johnny. Where were my clothes? Lena held my hand but it felt different. My hand was on fire and then my arm. Next was my whole body, something was wrong.
Lena's POV
Callie was finally stable. The tube was out of her mouth, she was breathing on her own she was doing great. I grabbed her hand but it felt heavy. Something was wrong. Next thing I know she is having a full blown seizure. The doctors ran back into her room laying her on her side and pumping her with more medications. Her seizure slowed and she started getting sick. I was absolutely devastated. I just called Stef to say how good she was doing and now she was seizing and getting sick. The doctors cleaned her up and changed her placing her back onto her back. They raised the head of the bed incase she was to get sick again. This was absolutely terrible. What was happening to my baby?
Stefs POV
Lena called me to tell me Callie was awake and doing well. I was beyond happy, I was ecstatic. I called all the kids downstairs to explain. "Hey babies so Callie is doing a lot better, she was taken off the ventilator and breathing on her own. They are planning on moving her out of the ICU today and then you guys can see her". The kids had grins from ear to ear besides Mariana. "I don't want to see her she is going to hate me just like you and everyone else does". She yelled out before running upstairs. I followed her upstairs and found her sitting on Callie's bed crying. "Love Callie doesn't hate you. She doesn't remember what happened and we don't hate you. Am I angry with you? Absolutely but everyone makes mistakes and you're no different. We all love you and I'm sure Callie would be happy to see you". She just nodded her head saying okay and I decided to give her some space. I needed to get to the hospital and see my baby. As I was walking out the door I was bombarded by none other than Robert Quinn. "Sophia told me Callie is in the hospital. How could you not tell me? You promised you would tell me when something is going on with my daughter and now this? You know I am really starting to regret my decision in signing those papers Stef". Great, I thought. "Robert excuse me for not having time to tell you about Callie. She has a TBI and is not allowed visitors other than parents. She is not doing well and you weren't a priority on my list so I'm sorry". As much as I didn't want to admit it I did feel bad for not telling him but I've been so focused on Callie and Mariana that I wasn't even thinking about him. "Fine Robert you can come to the hospital with me but I have to warn you she is not her regular self. She is not able to sit up by herself or even talk so fair warning". I saw him look broken but he just walked to the car in silence. We arrived at the hospital and as we were getting the car he said "thank you for this Stef". We walked in to Callie's room and I saw she was asleep and she looked, rough to say the least. Lena was in the corner crying and I was terrified. What had happened? "Stef, she had another seizure. She's still cleared to be moved out of the ICU but I am so fucking scared. I can't deal with all these seizures and Mariana and everything else going on". She cried into my arms. "Love it's okay I'm here now why don't you go home and get some sleep". I didn't want to be alone with Callie but I knew Lena needed sleep. She has been here for almost 36 hours. She walked out saying hello to Robert and kissing Callie goodbye. Robert went to Callie's side holding her hand. "Hey kiddo I know we haven't had the best relationship but I really need you to wake up. I need to know you are okay before I leave. Sophia has been asking about you". I honestly felt terrible for him. First everything was Sophia, and now this with Callie. And then the thought crossed my mind, was she ever going to be back to the Callie we know and love. Her eyes started to flutter and they finally were open. Her eyes were aimlessly wondering around they finally came into focus with Robert. "Mmm" came out of her mouth. I rushed to her side and grabbed her hand. "Mama" she tried again. It sounded like she was underwater but I knew what she was saying. "I'm here baby and so is your dad, you are okay". She let go of my hand and said "mama" again. "Mama went home to get some sleep love but we are here". I sensed her getting frustrated and she looked at Robert. "D- Dad" she said. "I'm right here kiddo. Right here. How are you doing". He asked her. She didn't say anything but a single tear rolled down her cheek. Why wasn't she saying hello to me? Did she not remember me? Was she angry with me? What was going on? Robert decided to leave and I stayed with Callie the entire night. She tried to sleep but was waking up every 30 minutes and then crying. She looked absolutely broken. I just wanted my baby back in my arms.

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