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3:45 am.

Ahmad Musa springs up from his seat after reading through the message sent by Mahmud from Tel-Aviv.

A painful sensation turns his countenance hard and pale. Slowly, the color returns to his face and his eyes ignite. His jaw hardens. He paces around the room anxiously. Then, he keenly gazes at the north-western side of Jordan on the map hung on a wall. Jabal Shams; the headquarters of United People's Front is located there. 'They have all gathered here for a meeting. Good that they are all going to be found together. However, George Bahash won't be present. He travelled to North Vietnam. His sentence will remain pending.'

Ahmad Musa sits down on a chair. He presses a button on the left side. A moment later, his secretary Ali bin Shakir enters.

'Tell Ja'far, Zubair and Yusuf to prepare themselves. Check if the Jeep is all set. And, inform Ahsan Sabri to arrive immediately .'

The captain of Saimum's Amman based Action Squad, Ahsan Sabri, enters the room. Ahmad Musa was standing. Asking Ahsan to take his seat, he takes his seat. After he apprises Ahsan Sabri of the plans of the People's Front, he adds, 'I am going to Jabal Shams. You will arrive there with a hundred Mujahideen. You will lead fifty of them through Bab al-Mashriq and command Talab to direct the rest through Bab al-Shimal.' Ahmad Musa stands up. Ahsan stands up along with him. Shakir enters the room as Ahsan leaves. 'Everything is ready, sir.'

Without replying to him, Ahmad Musa hands over to him a letter. 'Deliver this message to Ibn Sad in our headquarters, now.' The same letter has been sent to King Abul Hisham (king of Jordan). Emirs of each of the Arab nations have to be informed about this as quickly as possible. The leading radio operator of Saimum is Ibn Sad.

Ja'far, Zubair and Yusuf, who were waiting for Ahmad Musa, ignite the engine as soon as he climbs into the vehicle. They are clad in the black uniforms of Saimum Night Operation Squad. They carry no other weapons except two revolvers each.

The highway that begins in Amman spreads out to the North, the night operation squad follows it. It is the dead of the night. The stain of darkness is everywhere. The moon is new, so the stars have set up their own display in the sky.

Ahmad Musa contemplates, we have to reach them without allowing them any chance to take precautions, therefore we have to keep away from bloodshed as much as possible. They have brought along minimal weaponry to prevent arousing doubts in the guards.

70 miles from Amman, the Jeep nears Bab al-Mashriq, the eastern entrance to Jabal Shams. The rays from the headlights reflect on the eastern gates. The guards can be seen standing with their sten guns in position. They surround the vehicle as it halts next to them without any reluctance. All four of them exit the car. The guards step back at the sight of Ahmad Musa. They appear perplexed at the suddenness of the situation. "Bajaj has called for us. It's urgent," Ahmad Musa says.

Abdur Rahman Bajaj is the People's Front's secretary general. The guards look at each other, then line up on either side to open the way for them. Ahmad Musa's Jeep advances forward. They are stopped at two more checkpoints, but they get away easily. None of the guards could suspect them. Ahmad Musa assumes that the poor security guards have not been entirely made aware of conspiracies that the senior officials are plotting. Or maybe they were not told at all. Comprehending the political conspiracies of the officers are not easy for these innocent Muslims youth anyways. It is anticipated, therefore, that these men will remain somewhat unaware of the matter's importance. Overall, they know very well about the influence of Ahmad Musa over the units of Freedom Front and even the Arab countries.

Leaving behind their car, Ahmad Musa and the group walk through an uneven mountain track.

There is a cube shaped stone house at the opening of the cave of Jabal Shams. At the center of the strong walls, there is the only entrance that leads inside. Two guards stand with raised sten guns. Ahmad Musa and his followers calmly walk up to them. They have already scrutinized the two from a distance. The guards shift in their positions, who knows what they thought. Ahmad Musa questions as if concerned, 'I hope the meeting isn't over yet?'

Operation: Tel-Aviv (Saimum Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now