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The sun didn't rise yet. Eastern sky is a shade of crimson. Mahmud stands up after reading the Qur'an. He enters the dressing room. A while later, he comes out in the appearance of a wealthy Jewish businessman, then sits on the recliner in his western balcony.

This is the new residence of Mahmud in Jaffa port. It's a five-storey building on the coast of the Mediterranean sea. Leaning against his recliner, his unblinking gaze takes in the Mediterranean sea's blue hues. Far away in the western horizon, a ship's chimney is vaguely visible. It slowly fades in the skyline. As if along with the ship, Mahmud's thoughts travel beyond the reach of eyes, past the great landmark of Gibraltar.

Gibraltar - the mention of Jabal At-Tariq carries him away to an event 1400 years ago, when commander-in-chief Tariq Bin Ziyad with his seven hundred companions stepped on the land of Spain.

Then, he burned down his vessels, which were the only mode of their return. In front them stood the uncountable rows of enemy troops and behind them the violent waves of a treacherous sea.

How certain he was of Allah's help and the coming victory! How true was his conviction! Soon thereafter, the standard of truth and justice, the banner of crescent, crossed the borders of Spain. It was erected on the Pyrenees, on the threshold of France, proclaiming the victory of Islam. But that was not the end. Had Musa bin Nusayr and Tariq not summoned back to the court of Damascus, then in Washington Irving's words, 'crescents would have adorned the churches of Paris and London in the place of the cross'.

Every inch of the Mediterranean sea was once ruled by the Muslims. But today? Mahmud painfully sighs. Not a single Muslim can be met in Spain, the land which the Muslims had built brick by brick as their own homeland for eight hundred years. Today they are being torn down and wiped out. But why this decline? History has held the Muslims' weaknesses and disunion as responsible. But where did this disunion and these weaknesses come from? Are they not a result of backing away from our values? Mahmud remembers the quote of a writer, 'When Muslims distanced themselves from their usul (fundamentals) and Islamic dynamism, Allah took away their blessings. As a result, the Christian strength drove the descendants of victorious ancestors away from these lands - in a way that even the signs of their presence are not found anymore.'

Have we rectified and risen over the mistakes of our forefathers? Mahmud reflects. If we have, then why does a miniscule Israel overpower us? Why do the Muslims of Asia and Africa continue to get trampled upon?

The ordeal of the oppressed in Central Asia, Philippines, Eritrea, Chad, Nigeria, Mozambique burden Mahmud's heart. Questions arise inside him, how far is their freedom? Will the Muslim youth not wake up? Our efforts, struggles and toils - will they not avail?

Afzal enters the balcony with breakfast. Afzal is the guard, cook, housekeeper and everything else of this house. The sound of his footsteps tear the chain of Mahmud's thoughts. He looks behind and smiles to see the butler there.

'Isn't the breakfast quite early today?'

'You had somewhere to go early today, sir.'

Mahmud remembers that there is a lot to do outside regarding tomorrow's program in the Ocean King ship. However he may, he has to find a way into the ship. He had contemplated on this matter until late last night, but could not discover any easy way.

At this moment, Emilia appears in his mind. Who are the people invited to the feast? Can the family of David Ben-Gurion be excluded? Mahmud feels delighted. He summons Afzal after breakfast and tells him to take out the dictionary. 'Dictionary' is the pretend-name for his secret dossiers. He stands up, wiping his face with a handkerchief.

Mahmud enters the study. The pages of his dossier flip until he reaches Emilia's name. Her full name is Pauline Fredman. The author has written briefly about her habits. She is unrestricted in the elite class. Extremely friendly, but mindful about her worth. A worshipper of liberty and beauty. Has no affinity with extreme nationalists. Hotel bars are like a living room to her. Is frequently seen after 9 pm in the seaside hotel bar 'The Misty'.

Operation: Tel-Aviv (Saimum Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now