Chapter 28

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I looked around quickly to see Asher holding the camera, a dumbfounded look on his face. Great, not only will a picture of me having my first kiss be in the yearbook, but I'll know for the rest of my life it was taken by the guy who I could have been with.

Finn snapped me back to the present moment; loud music blaring, lights flashing, and people cheering. "How do you feel?"

I smiled, grabbing his tuxedo jacket. "Amazing!"

I kind of wanted to kiss him again, but I figured that was too much for this public scene right now.

"Me too." He said, holding me tighter than before, and I let him.

We danced the rest of the night away, and I was having fun, but in the back of my mind I kept going back to that kiss. What did it mean for me and Finn? Are we supposed to be a couple now? I don't know how I feel about that. I could just tell him it was for the crowd and it didn't really mean anything, but I think I felt something when we kissed.

And then there was a part of me that couldn't stop thinking about Asher. Where would I be right now if I had just told him how I felt before instead of agreeing to come here with Finn? I could have potentially kissed Asher instead! I wonder what he thought when he snapped that picture. I wonder if he wished it was him I was kissing, or if he didn't feel anything at all.

I looked around the room for him but couldn't find him anywhere. I wish I could just talk to him. I really need to talk to someone right now, I'm totally confused as to what that kiss meant. Sophia would know what to tell me.

I tried to shake it off my mind and have a fun rest of the night, but for some reason Asher kept creeping his way into my thoughts.

The music stopped and people started getting ready to leave. Finally, this night was almost over.

"Ready to go?" Finn draped my coat over my shoulders with his warm touch. We climbed back in the limo, except this time it was just the two of us. Rory and Robbie went home in their own car, something seemed off about them tonight.

I felt awkward on the way home. I wasn't sure how to act. Was I his girlfriend now because we kissed? Does a kiss mean you're together? I guess I'd have to hear it from him.

"So, did you have fun tonight?" I questioned. "Best. Night. Ever!" He adjusted his prom king crown over top of his head. Well, mission accomplished. "I'm so glad. These kinds of events really aren't my thing, but you deserved a good night, so I'm glad I was able to help make this night special for you."

"You did more than enough. You were the perfect date." Then a pause. "Listen, Sadie. I know you said before that you just wanted to be friends, and I totally understand that if that's still what you want, but I felt something when we kissed, something I can't ignore. You just make me feel happy, Sadie. Whether you're a friend or something more, I'm glad to have you in my life." I could feel my heart melting for him. "I felt something too." I confessed.

Another pause.

"Maybe we could go on a date sometime, just to see how it goes? We don't have to make anything official yet." Thank goodness, nothing is official. "That's perfect. Kind of like a test run."

"Exactly. Maybe next week sometime?"

"Sounds perfect."

"Just like you." He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, his scent lingering in the air surrounding me.

The limo arrived at my house and he walked me up to the door. When we stopped at the foot of the door, I turned around and grabbed his hands. "Thank you for asking me to be your date. I had a wonderful time with you tonight." He kissed my hand and said "Thank you for agreeing to come with me. I know prom isn't really your style, but you stepped it up for me, and I really appreciate that. I had so much fun with you. I'll see you in school on Monday." And with that, he turned around and let the limo drive him home.

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