Chapter 18

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I still haven't told anyone about Finn's outburst after the playoff game. I thought about telling my sisters, but I've been pushing it off and I don't know why. I want to tell Rory, too, but she always speaks so highly of him and I don't want her to make a big deal out of this. I also want to tell her about Asher, but I can't tell her about how nice he's been to me without telling her about Finn first. I just kept thinking about what I would say to her all throughout practice.

After practice ended, I was going to try and tell Rory, but when I walked out to my car, Finn was there. When Rory noticed, she whispered to me "I'll give you two some privacy" and left us alone in the parking lot, but what she doesn't know is that the last time we spoke he yelled at me. I didn't know what to think about his random appearance at my car right now.

I approached nervously, and tried to stay farther away from him since I was sweaty and smelly.

"Um, hi. What are you doing here?" I could feel my heart beating out of my chest.

He was leaning up against his car with his arms crossed. He looked tough, but also a bit nervous. The Finn I know is not the tough guy that yelled at me back at that game. The Finn I know is sensitive and sweet. He looked at me with the soft brown eyes I know Finn to have.

"Hey Sadie. I just have had a lot on my mind recently and I need to talk to you. Would it be okay if we went somewhere else to talk?" Confused, I ask "Okay, why?" He laughed softly, scratched his head and said "Well, I wanted to surprise you. I want to take you somewhere, as a surprise." Still confused, but now nervous, I say "I don't understand."

"I just mean I want it to be a surprise. Will you come with me?" He asked. Come with him? Where? What if he's a criminal and Rory was wrong about him this whole time? What if I'm about to be kidnapped? He won't tell me what's going on. Maybe I should just come up with a lame excuse to get out of here.

I think he could see the conflict in my face, so he interrupted my thoughts and said "Just trust me." Trust him. Can I trust him? After the last time we spoke? Something tells me I have to do this, so I guess we'll find out.

"Okay, I'll come. Can you at least tell me where we're going?!" He smiled and said "No, I told you it's a surprise! Don't worry."

Don't worry. How am I supposed to NOT worry right now?

As he drove me to our unknown destination, I texted Rory and told her what was going on, and if I didn't call her within the next hour to call the police.

We ended up at one of my favorite diners in town. He told me to get out, we're going to eat here. "You must be starving after that practice." He said. I got out of the car and started towards the entrance. He wasn't wrong, I was hungry.

After we both ordered our food, he looked me right in the eyes and said "Okay, I'll tell you what the real reason for all of this was now."

As I nervously listened, he continued, "I just wanted to be able to talk to you in person about this." A silent break, then he sighed. "I've been thinking a lot about the way I acted after the game, and I feel really bad. That wasn't me, Sadie. I mean, it was me, but that's not the man I want to be. I was just being a sore loser after losing the game and I took all my anger out on you because you were the first person to talk to me about it."

A pause.

Was I supposed to say something now? Or is he going to continue? After a few seconds of silence, he started talking again. "I realized pretty much right after I walked away from you that you were just trying to make me feel better, and you didn't deserve to be treated the way I treated you. And then I distanced myself for a while because I was ashamed of the way I spoke to you. I feel really bad, and I hope you can forgive me. I promise that will never happen again."

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