Chapter 12

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I feel the sweat start to accumulate all over my body as he makes his way to the only empty seat in the room which happens to be two to the left of my seat. I'm trying to decide if I should say something, but I'm too flustered by this unexpected turn of events.

One minute I was watching him from a distance in the mall, next he's sitting ten feet away from me. I had almost forgotten about him over break, now I don't know how to act in front of him. I was not prepared for this. I was wearing sweatpants and a hoodie to school today because I was feeling lazy. Of course the day my soulmate walks into my life I look like a hobo.

I try to hide my face from him so he can't see how horrified I am to be sitting so close to him, but I try to sneak a peek at him when he's looking away.

He looks even better up close. Such dark, rich locks of hair styled so perfectly over top of his forehead. His tan complexion compliments his hair color so nicely. I can't see his eyes because they're turned away, but I imagine they're even better up close than they are far away.

I started daydreaming about the moment we will lock eyes for the first time. In my first scenario, he immediately turns away like nothing happened. In my second scenario, it's like magic, pulling us closer together. The instant we lock eyes it's like we've both known each other our whole lives and this moment was destined to happen. As he walks slowly toward me, hands reach up for my face, I'm getting ready to close my eyes and imagine what our first kiss would be like when suddenly Gia Portman, school mean girl (at least in my eyes), breaks my stare as she sits at the desk right in between us both.

The teacher asked who would be willing to show Asher around for the next few days to help him get to classes. I considered this for a second, but before I came up with a conclusion, Gia raised her hand and said "I'd be happy to!" She looked over at him and did that stupid fake smile that looks so genuine any normal person would be fooled by it, but deep down I can tell it's not real. He looked over at her and nodded his head ever so slightly as to say thanks.

I decided it's better this way. I'd be able to just observe him today to get a feel for him. No need to jump right into things, even though I'm dying to know more about him. I'm sure it'll come with time.

Meanwhile I was texting Rory under my desk in all capital letters with misspelled words she probably can't even understand.

She responded, "Sadie, SLOW DOWN! I can't understand anything you're typing. What is going on??" I decided to make it very simple for her by typing "HELP."

"Help what?? You have to be more specific!" She responded. Just before the bell rang for first period to start, I typed "NEW KID. TALK AT LUNCH," and that was all I could say for now, even though all I wanted to do was scream frantically.

At lunch the buzz was still going around about the new kid, probably because he's the most gorgeous person to ever walk Brookstown halls. Rory met me at our table and sat down. She started, "Have you heard anything about the new kid?? I heard SO many things. Apparently he used to go to Waybridge, but no one knows why he transferred. Why would you want to transfer from Waybridge to Brookstown??"

Waybridge is our rival school across town. It's like the prep version of our school. Everybody that goes to Waybridge is smarter than us, more athletic than us, and richer than us. Brookstown is the school for people who can't afford to go to Waybridge, or weren't smart enough to get in. Except I've heard everyone at Waybridge is kind of rude or snotty. So at least Brookstown is nicer. I hope Asher isn't snotty.

I answered Rory, "I didn't find anything out about him, except that he's in my homeroom and Gia is his partner in crime now. Oh and he's the boy from The Pretzel Shop in the mall."

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