Chapter 11

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We slept in that morning, then woke up and had waffles for lunch. We spent pretty much the rest of the day in my room doing random girly things you do at sleepovers like painting each other's nails and listening to our favorite music.

At some point the party last night was brought up. I think Rory could tell I was a bit confused by my feelings from last night, and she asked me, "Are you okay? I know I hyped up that kiss a lot, I didn't want you to get hurt if it didn't happen, but I didn't think it meant that much to you either way."

I took a minute to respond and said "Yeah, I think I'm okay. I was definitely relieved when he didn't, but afterwards I felt kind of disappointed, and I'm not really sure why." She smirked and said "Well, I can think of one reason." Intrigued, I said "Really? What is it?" She laughed and said "Come on, you know!"

No, I don't know.

There was a pause, and then she continued, "Because you actually wanted him to kiss you!!"

My first reaction was to immediately reject that thought, but the more I thought about it the more it made sense. Why else would I have been disappointed that he hadn't made a move? I had been imagining what might've happened at midnight for like a whole week before that party happened, hyping the moment up in my mind, it's no wonder I was a bit shocked when what I was expecting to happen didn't actually happen.

I then said "You know what, you might be right. I think I was just overthinking the whole situation way too much and when I thought he was going to kiss me and he didn't, I was put off guard." Rory then added "Just because he didn't kiss you on New Year's doesn't mean he doesn't like you, or doesn't want to kiss you. Maybe he wanted to but wasn't sure it was the right moment!"

Then I countered, "Or maybe he just didn't want to kiss me." She playfully shoved me and said "I'm just saying! It's possible it could still happen and that just wasn't the right moment."

Just when she finished that sentence, my phone lit up with a message. I looked at it and then looked up at Rory.

"It's Finn." I said.

She looked surprised, then checked her phone to see if she got a text too. She didn't. This text, whatever Finn had to say to me, was just for me, unlike those hugs he gave out last night. Rory told me to open it and read it, so I did.

The text read "Hey Sadie! Just checking up on you to see if you got enough sleep last night, it was a long night, haha! I could tell you were tired by the end of the party. I hope you were still able to enjoy yourself, I know I had fun. I'm really glad you came :)"

Rory read it over my shoulder and then said "Oh. My. Goodness. He TOTALLY likes you. He's checking on you to see if you got enough sleep?? He's glad you came?? He may have hugged both of us last night but, Sadie, he is not concerned with how well I slept last night."

My face flushed and I was getting dizzy. "Rory, as much as I want to deny it, I think you're right this time."

Is this really happening? Finn Gallagher, the school heartthrob, has a crush on ME?? Rory and I locked eyes and then we squealed as loudly as possible.

Rory said to me "I can't believe after all that convincing I tried on you, it took a text from him to confirm what I had already told you countless times."

We both laughed and I said "Deep down I knew you were right, but I wanted a little more evidence from the man himself." I smiled and spoke again. "Is this really happening? Does this really mean he likes me? What if he's just really nice and concerned about my sleep schedule?" Rory looked at me funny and said "Sadie, come on, I'M not even that concerned with your sleep schedule, and I am your other half." We both laughed again and I had finally decided this time that he really did like me. I had accepted that fact.

Rory then gasped and asked "Does this mean that... that you like him too??"

I considered this for a moment then responded "No, at least not yet. I'm just going to take it day by day and see what happens." I meant that. I wasn't sure where this would take me, but I knew I'd take it one day at a time and see what happens.

School started up again after winter break ended and I was actually kind of excited to get back because that meant I'd hopefully be seeing Finn every day again at my locker and walking the halls with me. Even if I never catch feelings for him and he never makes a move on me, I know I at least have a new friend in him.

I have a good feeling about the rest of this school year. Lacrosse is finally going to start kicking into gear soon, and I am one of the team captains. I have my best friend by my side and possibly even a new friendship in the making. My grades are good and I have nothing to complain about, which is strange, because I complain a lot.

At lunch on the first day back I was sitting at the table eating. As I was chewing my sandwich, I noticed a lot of people whispering and looking very interested in whatever was happening. I kicked Rory under the table and said "Hey, look around, what's going on?" Rory looked confused and said "Not sure. Wait one second and I'll find out."

She got up and came back about two minutes later with an excited look on her face. "Well?? Did you find out what's so interesting in the cafeteria today?" I asked. She responded by saying "Apparently the school is getting a new kid tomorrow, and they're in our grade!" She did a little eyebrow wiggle like she was curious as to who it could be. I wasn't too concerned, but getting a new kid is always exciting, at least until you find out who it actually is. By tomorrow at lunch time I'm sure everything will be back to normal and it'll be like we didn't even get a new kid.

Finn walked with me after school today to Rory's locker and we parted ways when we went to our sport practices, just like normal. Nothing out of the ordinary. I wonder if Rory and I read too much into that text.

The next morning I was in homeroom sitting alone, Rory isn't in the same homeroom as me. Suddenly the teacher announces we have a new kid and they're in my homeroom! This is the moment everyone was waiting for. Will they become my future best friend? Is it a celebrity in disguise? Will they be a nobody who sits in the back of the class all year long? The school buzz about the new kid will calm down since they are finally here, about to walk through the door.

"Class," the teacher began, "this is Asher King, our new student. Please give him a warm welcome to our school." I looked up to see who this Asher is, and something clicked in my brain. Why does this guy look so familiar?

Then I saw it, the visor. The name tag. The smell of soft pretzels started to run through my senses. The new kid is mystery pretzel boy, whom I had *almost* forgotten existed, up until this very point in time, where he very much does exist, and was standing right in front of me.

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