My stupid little pirate

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In this story, there's this amazing man-made continent that seems to float in the air, built on nearly five giant mountains. It's called the Sky Kingdom continent. It's like something out of a dream, showing how clever people can be and how incredible our world can be.

This man-made continent covers a huge area of 46.27 million square kilometers. It's so big that it fits almost hundreds of countries inside it! That's almost 30% of all the land in the world. This incredible place shows how people can change and create new things on our planet, making it home to many different cultures and landscapes.

The Sky Kingdom continent originated from the ownership of almost 8 royal families. Their aim in constructing it was to create a place far from evils and dangers such as the lack of criminals and others. Its construction took almost 38 years, and almost hundreds of architects collaborated to complete this continent.

During the construction of the Sky Kingdom continent, there was a city known as Lumina, consisting of nearly 45 villages. Upon the project's completion, Lumina became shrouded in darkness, prompting authorities to offer its residents favorable terms for relocating to the new settlement, effectively turning the city into a ghost town. Initially, there was a plan to demolish Lumina and convert it into a forest, but this idea was forgotten once the Sky Kingdom was finished. Consequently, Lumina remained buried beneath the continent's surface.

After years of construction, covert rumors started spreading across the nation about Lumina, a location hidden beneath the continent. Faced with crises such as overpopulation and housing shortages in other countries, some individuals secretly migrated to Lumina to settle there illegally.

Brief Introduction

The story of the protagonist revolves around both emotional and decision-making situations. After the passing of her dearest friend, she made the decision to bring their endeavors to a close. Three years after her friend's demise, she finally disbanded their group of pirates. They departed from the turbulent area, each going their separate ways in search of a more comfortable and tranquil place to call home.

The main character in this story moved to a new country to start afresh. She left her pirate life behind and hoped for a peaceful future. Unexpectedly, she met someone special in this new place. This person wasn't just a friend; they taught her what true love means. In the quiet of this peaceful country, she found a love that went beyond friendship, one that changed her life for the better.

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