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Mari was annoyed

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Mari was annoyed. Brittany and Kurt wouldn't stop bugging her about voting for them student president.  Between doing booty camp for Glee/West Side Story and cheerio practices.

She stood on the field next to Santana and Brittany.

They were doing an extra practice because a baby cheerio flirted with Sam.

"This is why we don't flirt with my boyfriend!" Mari shouted."You all can blame Jenny over there! She's lucky she's still on the Cheerios!"

"We don't flirt with team members boyfriends or girlfriends!" Brittany said,shaking her head."It's against Cheerios code."

"Facts!" Mari and Santana said."Now you all have to pay because of Jenny."

"Dude she's brutal." Archie said,looking at Sam.

"I agree but she's amazing." Sam said,leaning against the bleachers.

"Tsk tsk keep it up ladies!" Santana snapped."Your lucky Coach isn't out here!"

"Stop crying like a baby Jenny!" Mari shouted walking over to a crying Jenny."Would you like to be kicked off of the Cheerios,sweetie?"

Jenny shake her head no and stopped crying.

Brittany bounced over to Archie and Sam."She's like a mini Coach Sylvester mixed with Santana." Brittany whispered."But it's so hot when Mari acts all bossy like that..Guess what Lord Tubbington did!?"

Mari and Santana rolled their eyes.

"Go shower now." Mari said ."Y'all smell of sweat and shame." She watched as the Cheerios jogged off the field.

Santana and Mari walked over to Brittany,Archie and Sam. Brittany was eating a cookie. Santana took a bite of the cook.

"Lily's so amazing at baking and cooking." Brittany said.

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