30-The plan;)

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This chapter will be some normal talking in the beginning but mainly smut with teasing, foreplay, subspace, and aftercare.



Scarrlet walks me home and then starts to head off to her house as I slowly creak the packhouse door open, not seeing anybody in the main area. I walk in and close the door behind me, heading for the elevators. What? That's a lot of stairs to the top floor! There are 12 floors in this packed house, this is how it's set up.

Our first floor is the main floor with couches, a kitchen, and some bathrooms, like a hang-out floor.

The second floor is our office floor, where Ashton and Andrew's office is, along with more offices for people who work at home and the betas office, there is also stuff like playrooms and storage rooms on that floor as well.

Floors three and four are for the Alpha ranks in the pack and their families. Everyone, including the alphas, agreed that we should put the highest ranks in the pack towards the bottom in case of an intrusion because they have a better chance of defending themselves and their families.

The fifth floor is the Betas and their families, the sixth is the Gammas, seventh and eighth are the mid-rankings in the pack.

Floor nine and ten is where the omegas rooms are if they are unmated or feel safer.

The eleventh floor is the floor the pack's alpha(s) and Luna(s) live with the rest of their families after passing down the title.

Then, finally, there's the twelfth floor. The floor the current pack Alpha(s) and Luna(s) live on with their families.

Since Hayden and Hunter should still have Ashton and Andrew out at the main meeting building and doing whatever they're doing, I go to our floor and once the elevator gets to the top and stops, I type in our code before the doors open.

You see, on all the other floors, you don't need a code but since our floor is just a walk-off and you're in our home, we made it to where we have to have a code to get in, same if you take the stairs. Only Andrew, Ashton, and I have the code, so no one walks in on something they wouldn't want to see.

I walk out and the elevator doors slowly close as I walk from the living room to our bedroom. We have a total of five rooms, one being our room, one being an office for if they want to stay home, even if their office is in the same building and the last three being extras for if someone stays with us and when we eventually have kids. I walk over to the bed and kneel, hiding the bag under the bed for later so I know the boys won't find it beforehand.

I then hear the ding the elevators make as the door opens, meaning one, if not, both my mates are home so I hurry up and jump onto the bed, acting like I wasn't just hiding anything.

"Baby? You back yet?" I hear Ashton carefully shout from the living room.

"In the bedroom!" I muffle but shout loud enough for them to hear me. After a quick moment, I hear the bedroom door creak open wider to reveal Ashton and Andrew standing there, each leaning on one side of the door frame staring at me. "What?"

"Nothing, just admiring you sweetheart," Andrew says fondly towards me making me hide my face in one of the pillows on our bed, hiding my smile. I hear them start to shuffle over to the bed and then both sides of the bed dip. I feel them both lie down so I look up at them, me now laying on my stomach. They are both staring at me, Ashton on my Left with one arm around my waist with his other hand in my hair. Andrew is on my right side, one arm slipped under me between the bed and me, holding tightly while the other hand is rubbing my back. I close my eyes and sigh in contentment.

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