Chapter 11

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Im sorr- , No Y/n please no dont do this to me please dont do this! I screamed at her unconscious body in my arms. Her breathing was getting slower. Come we have to get her to a hospital now, Namjoon Hyung says as he tries to take Y/n out of my arms. Ill carry her, I say in a whisper. I stand up with Y/n in my arms.

*At the hospital*

Thank you so much doctor, I say to the doctor taking care of Y/n. The doctor said she was very weak and very close to dying if we didnt bring her in when we did, she wouldnt have made it. She hasnt eaten a proper meal in months the doctor said its a miracle she made it, but he cant explain how she did because she has absolutely no nutrition or energy in her body. Why do you think she hasnt eaten for so long? Jin Hyung asked. [Did I say something to her, maybe the saesangs were troubling her behind my back.] Hyung, do you think it was sasaengs? I ask looking at my Hyungs as they stand in a semi-circle in front of me. Taehyung Hyung looked at me confused and asked, What do you mean Jungkook, how can they cause this? I didnt think that far into it. I dont know but I have a feeling, I said to him. Guys look here! Namjoon Hyung exclaims as he showed us his screen, omo my eyes widen as I read the text on Namjoon Hyungs phone my heart tightens and my mind races as I think about what Y/n must have been going through since our friendship went public. {You are so fat, why would Jungkook even like you. - You have no personality. - BTS is just pitying you, you know they love charity. - You are such a gold-digger. - Stop playing pity party with our boys b*tch. - Dude even your parents didnt want you, thats why they shipped you off the minute you turned 18.} I stopped reading after that one, awe my baby, how did I not notice. My blood started boiling and I started getting extremely angry. The reason I did not see these comments was because it was sent privately to Y/n through her DMs.

After talking with the doctor, I have discovered Y/n has got an eating disorder. Well, the doctor thinks she does Im really hoping not. I go into her private room which I had arranged to make her comfortable. When she wakes up, I am going to address this issue. Namjoon Hyung told me not to make her uncomfortable and be gentle with what I say as this may be a sensitive topic for Y/n. My heart is sore thinking about my love fighting for her life because of me, [this is all my fault, Im insensitive for not realizing what bringing her into the public eye would do to her precious, soft soul. I hope I did not lose her forever!] Those words kept on ringing in my mind as I hold Y/ns hand, sitting beside her waiting patiently to see her beautiful E/C eyes, I grasp once more how I am undoubtedly and completely head over heels for this cute, sexy girl no GORGEOUS WOMAN in front of me.

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