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The day after I graduated high school, I took it upon myself to go visit Dave in jail.

I NEEDED some answers. I've waited long enough for them.

Plus, I leave for college tomorrow. I wanted to say goodbye to Dave before I don't return for a long time.

"Chris! I was starting to think you was never Finna come and see —"

"I'm leaving for University tomorrow, Dave. I just came to say goodbye, and to get some clarity from you."

"Shit, C.. what is it..?"

"You know exactly what it is, Dave! Don't act like you don't know why I'm here!"

"Man, you need to calm down or they gon kick your ass out of this visitation —"

"I don't care! Why didn't you tell me you were involved with this shit?! Why did you send Jazmyn and Melody ALL the way to Colombia?! As far away from me as you could!"

"THAT was the point, nigga! I NEEDED to get her as far away as possible, so she won't get hurt! If I didn't get Jazmyn and Melody out of here when I did, Trae was going to kill them next! I did all of this just for you, and you're scolding me for it!"

"Why has her phone been saying it's not connected anymore...?"

"I made her and Janiah get new phones and numbers, man.. that's the only way Trae wouldn't be able to track them down..."

"Why didn't you tell me you were caught up in this shit, man..? I could've helped you get out of it.."

"What if I didn't wanna get out of it, dawg? I'm nowhere near of s great basketball player as you. I wasn't going to get as successful with it as you. I needed another escape to gain money.. so, I started gang banging and drug dealing."

"So you're saying that this is worth being in jail for? You rather be in jail, sitting on your ass and doing time, than just to be working for your money? Actually working?"

"We turned out completely different, Chris. And that's perfectly fine. You were destined to become a successful basketball player, and I'm destined to be nothing but a street nigga."

"It doesn't have to be this way though, Dave.."

"I'm already in way too deep. Evidently, as you can see. I just don't think it's a good idea that we stay friends. Especially after all of this... I don't wanna put you in any harms way.."


"I'm sorry, Chris. I hope you can eventually learn how to forgive me for this. But, I can't harm you anymore than what I have. Good luck at University and with basketball, man. I really mean that."
The whole ride home, I couldn't believe everything I just heard.

Tomorrow is the day I'm off to Yale University, and I'm barely even happy for it anymore.

I've lost so much within this last month, it's extremely difficult to even try to be happy.

First the love of my life and my — her daughter, get sent off damn near across the globe.

Then, I find out my best friend is far from innocent. He does all of this shit for me,

All for him to tell me,

We can't be friends anymore.

What is actually happening in my life right now? I feel like I'm just living one bad dream.

Pulling up to Diamond's house, I got out of the car and went to knock on her door.

She opened up within a few seconds, looking confused because I showed up out of the ordinary.

"Chris? What are you doing here? It's getting late, we should both be getting sleep for tomorrow. We're both off to the big Yale Un —"

"Can we just chill out for the night? Just forget that any of this is even happening, just for one night?"

"Yeah, of course. Did you already say goodbye to your parents?"

"I did before I left. All of my bags are already in my trunk. I'm just so ready to get out of this place." 

I explained, walking completely into Diamond's front door.

I may LOVE Jazmyn with every bit of my soul, but I have to admit; Diamond has been here for me ever since this shit has been happening to me.

She's been like.. my rock basically, through all of this.

"Yeah, I know. Trust me. More shit has been happening within the last month than it has in the last four years."

"Do you think things will ever get better? Honestly?"

"Things ALWAYS get better, Chris. The storm doesn't last forever. It might take a bit of a while, but you'll always come out with sunshine at the end."

"You might actually be right.."

"I know I'm right. Now, we have to get some rest. Do you want anything to eat before we go to sleep?"

"Nah, I'm good. Goodnight, Diamond."

"Goodnight, Chris."

LOVE & BASKETBALL | CHRIS BROWNWhere stories live. Discover now