-Secret Hobby part 2-

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Part two! Look at me go, I finally got it out lol.

CW: porn, sex, daddy kink, praise, degrading, riding, aftercare

Karl whined and shifted in his seat again, listening to the ravenette give him praise. He loved when it came from Sapnap. It made him feel like more than just someone's guilty pleasure.

"I love you Karl."

"I love you too Sap."

It had been almost been a year since Karl and Sapnap had begun dating, and a month since Sapnap found out his beloved KJ was Karl. And Sapnap loved every second of it.

"Hey babe?" Karl said through the screen, looking to the ravenette.

"Yes baby?" Sapnap responded, quickly glancing at the brunette, then back to the game he was playing.

"So, do you like, maybe, wanna fly out here? Sooner than later?" Karl mumbled, playing with his hands as he looked down to his lap.

"I can. I'm getting a bit restless not being with you in person honestly." Sapnap huffed, groaning as he died again.

Turning his attention fully to his lover, he smiled at the sight of the older boy. His face a tad red, his lip bit between his teeth, and his sweater covering his hands.

"I'm buying a ticket right now." Sapnap announced, pulling up the airline website.

"Oh baby you don't gotta do that now! I just meant like, before when we planned, you don't gotta rush it though!" Karl explained, feeling a bit pushy.

"Baby it's ok. I want to get out there as soon as possible, and be with you for as long as I can." Sapnap smiled, purchasing his ticket.

He smiled to himself as he looked at the date once again. He planned to fly out the day before their one year anniversary, and be to Karl's house on said day. He wanted it to be a nice surprise for the brunette.

Karl smiled as he looked at his boyfriend in the screen.

"I can't wait for you to be here." Karl said softly.

"I can't wait either baby." Sapnap said happily.


Sapnap was ecstatic as he boarded the plane. He couldn't wait to see his lovers face as he stood at his front door. And he had a few things planned while he was there.

The flight was quiet and peaceful. But so ungodly boring. He watched TikTok, he scrolled through Twitter, he played stupid mobile games, and he even tried watching YouTube. Nothing cured his boredom. And Karl had no live show for the day as it was Sunday, and Karl used Sundays as his work days to get cleaning, editing, and other more important things done.

Not that he could've watched it on a plane full of people anyway.

And of course he couldn't even sleep. He was so excited, he couldn't relax enough to let sleep over take his senses.

It was almost miserable. But the reward of seeing his boyfriend was worth any amount of boredom.


Sapnap landed at around 3:30am. He figured Karl would be asleep, but maybe not. He never did have the best sleep schedule.

Sapnap got an Uber over to Karl's house. It was so nice to get to surprise the other. As he walked to the door he noticed what he assumed was Karl's bedroom light on. A smirk curved his face.

He rang the doorbell and waited patiently, gently tapping his foot as he wanted for the other to answer the door. Sapnap could here soft thuds down the stairs and up to the door.

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