Chapter Eleven

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I was at the cemetery. It has been a while since I've been here. I would come here with Finn and go to Vance and Robin grave. But today was a day I needed to be by myself and Finn knew why. Today was Vance birthday. I sat on the grass in front of him tombstone. Vance Hopper 1964 - 1977

"Hi Vance." I say. "It's been a while since I've been here, but Happy Birthday." I say. "I got you a cake but it's at home, it is plain vanilla cake just how you like it." "Oh also I went to the Grab and Go and I got a higher score then last week on pinball, I have been doing really good."

"I wanted to come here and talk to you because it was your birthday, and I really miss you, you probably can't hear me but that's fine, I wish I could talk to you again." I say.

She didn't know he actually was. Every time she went to his grave Vance was with her talking to her, but she couldn't hear him or see him. "I miss you too Adrian, it was nice that you actually got me a cake." He says.

"It's not the same without you." I say. "I was in the kitchen and I needed a bowl for my cereal and I couldn't reach and I called out your name because you would always help me reach for a bowl but then I realized, you weren't here anymore." I say.

I wanted some cereal for breakfast since my mom was at work and couldn't cook me anything. I grabbed the cereal and milk and put it on the table and then went to get a bowl. I tried to reach but I was too short to grab it. I tippy toed to reach it but still couldn't get it. I grew frustrated. "Vance!" "I need help getting the bowl!" I say. Then I look around the empty and quiet house. "oh yeah." I say quietly. "your not here."

"It's been annoying at school because kids will just stare at me and say things about you and how your not here and Finn will ask me if I'm okay and I will just cover how I actually feel and hide away my feelings." "People don't understand that behind all this mean and violent kid is a somewhat sweet and understanding brother." I say.

"It's been getting hard to deal with your death." "For a while I tried to be happy, normal, but I think a part of me died that day when I escaped that house and realized I didn't have my brother with me." "And I haven't told anyone how I felt not even my own boyfriend Finn because I didn't want him worrying about me to much." I say as tears run down my cheeks.

"Sometimes I would imagine you still being here, that we escaped that house together and you would still be here." "Mom is still trying to process your death, she has been taking it okay sometimes, she started to drink when she found out you went missing, then more when I went missing, she told me she stopped when I escaped but late at night she would drink when I'm sleeping, what I'm trying to say is she misses you a lot, we both do."

Vance couldn't help but feel sad, he had to watch her sister cry and hear her say what's going on. "Vance you have to let her go." Bruce says. "Shut up shes my sister!" Vance says. "You need to let her go, she may be sad but she would want you to go to the afterlife." "Just give me a second!" He says.

"I just wish you were here, Finn he makes me so so happy when I'm with him, but when I'm alone at home I have no one, and I would lay in bed and sometimes I would blame myself for you going missing, how if I didn't go to Robins and I stayed at home and went to the Grab and Go with you, you would still be here, but I went to robins and now your not here."

"I haven't told anyone this, not even Finney, but I'm not entirely here, half of me disappeared because of what happened and I can't get that half back."

Vance went over to her and gave her a hug. She might not feel it but she needed one. "It's going to be okay Adrian." He says.

You felt your body go cold but it wasn't windy outside or cold.

"I brought you some flowers, the ones you liked not anything too bright." I say placing the flowers on his grave.

"Vance." Bruce says. "Okay I'll be there." He says. Vance watches as his sister continues to talk, she needed him but he wasn't there. Vance Hopper left the world officially on August 1979

Vivian Speaks!
I know I said that I wasn't going to post a other chapter but I rewatched stranger things and wanted to somewhat recreate the dear Billy scene. I hope you liked it.

Also go read my Tristan Pravong fanfic "First Time" if you haven't already!!

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