𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆

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I was at a baseball game with my friend Donna, she invited me to go with her and a couple other of her friends. We were talking about stuff while we were watching the game. I watched as Finney was about to throw the ball. Strike. Again and Strike. He was doing good. Then I see he turns to look at the crowd. "Look Finney is looking over here, he's probably looking at you" Donna teases. "Shut up." I say. Me and Finney have talked a few times but not a lot, Donna thinks he has a crush on me but some people say he has a crush on Donna, Donna doesn't like him though, she says she wants me to have him. Finney throws the ball but this time Bruce hits it and the ball goes out of the field and the other teammate couldn't catch it. People started to cheer on Bruce. "We should go now." Donna says. "Okay." I say. We end up talking while we head out.

Finney watched as Adriana left laughing at a joke her friends had said. "Dude your arm is mint, you almost had me, good game." Bruce says with a smirk on his face. "Good game." Finn says. Bruce rides on his bike home. "Hi Bruce." Two girls say. He nods at them. Finn places the rocket on the ground and grabs the control. He steps back and presses the button to make it shoot in the air. Bruce rides by and sees a rocket in the sky. Then he sees a black van stop in front of him. That was the last time Bruce was around.

Finn sat at the dinner table with his father as he was eating cereal and reading something. "You think you can slurp that a little louder, I don't think they can hear you." His dad says as Gwen comes in the kitchen. She opens the bread storage container and her hand slips and the door drops on the counter and makes a loud noise. "Sorry daddy." Gwen says. She gets out the bread and faces Finn, she imitates her dad and Finn quietly laughs with a grin on his face.

Finn and Gwen walk to school as Gwen talks about a show and who she likes in the show. "You are not gonna marry him." Finn says. "He's so, I love him." Gwen says. Finn stops to look at the missing kid sign. "It's new." He says. Gwen stops in her tracks and turn around. "What." She says. "Mrs. Yamada is putting them up, you don't think there gonna find him do you." He says. "Not how they want to, come on let's go we're gonna be late." She says. They walk until they see a fight happening. Gwen runs to it while Finn try's to catch up. People are chanting fight.

"You think your really tough huh." Moose says. "Let's find out." Robin says. "I'll pound you and nail you, you small little b*aner. "Do it." He says. He swings at Robin but he dodges it and hit him in the stomach and punches his face. He continues to beat him up. "Get him Robin." Gwen says. "Beat his ass Robin." I shout. Finn then sees Adriana. She feels like someones looking at her so she looks up and see Finn, they make eye contact until he looks away. Robin ends up dropping him on the ground and punching him. "Come on." Finn drags Gwen away from the fight.

Before the kid passes out I go to Robin. "Robin I think that's enough let's go before we are late to school." I say putting my hand on his shoulder. He gets off of him. "Aw, your little bitch wants you to stop fighting." Moose says. That's it. I go on him and start hitting him on the face. People start chanting my name. I end up making him bleed and my knuckles are covered in his blood. "Wait, Adriana." Gwen's says. She goes back to the fight and sees me fight the kid. "Finn look." Finn sees me. "I said let's go." He says leaving. "Okay come on before we get caught." Robin says. I get off of moose and we start to leave while a bunch of other kids leave. "Nice fight." Robin says. "Nice fight." I say as we high five.

"What the hell that was Moose." Gwen says. "I don't care." Finn says. "Moose is an asshole." She says. " I know." He says. "But last year when he made your nose bleed, he had it coming." She says. "No one had that coming." He says. "Finney he beat you up." Gwen says. "I know I was there remember, I just don't wanna talk about it." He says trying to not make her say anything more about that topic. "We'll he was super depicted by Robin Arellano and Adriana Hopper, their the toughest in school since The Grabber involvements." Gwen says. "I wish you wouldn't call it that." Finn says. "Everyone called him that, even the papers say the grabber." She says. "Just wish you wouldn't say that." He says. "You don't actually believe in that story." She says. "No." He says. "It can't hear you every time you say it." She says. "Finney." "I know." "Then say it are you chicken, I didn't mean it." She says. "I know." He says. Then there was a Black Van in the distance.

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