𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏

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We go over to the phone. "You should answer it this time." He says. I nod and take the phone. "Hello" I say. "Hey Adrian." He says. "Robin." I say. "Yeah." "I told you I'll come back soon." "I missed you" "I know, but your gonna get out of here alive." "Who though, we've tried Robin." "I just know, you are a strong person Adrian, you are my best friend and you will get out of here with Finn." "How." I say. "Can you pass the phone to Finn." He says. "Yeah." I say. "Here." I say handing the phone to Finn. "Hey Finn, what's happening." He says. "Robin." Finn says. "Hey buddy don't cry." Finn wipes his tears. "I'm not." "Yes you are, I can see you." "You can." "I can see you, I have been with you and Adrian this whole time." "You have." "A man never leaves a friend behind, my dad never left none of his friends when he left, that's why he didn't come home, and I'm not coming home either, and I'm not going to leave you behind" He says.

"What if the grabber gets us." "Fuck that, you ain't gonna go like I did." "We tried everything, nothing worked." "Yet" "Robin" "Do you remember what I told you." "That I need to see Texas Chainsaw Massacre." "Before that" "That someday I have to stand up for you self." "Someday is today Finn, today is the day you stop taking shit from anybody." Robin says." "I'm not a fighter, you couldn't even take him." Finn says. "You've always been a fighter Finn, that's why we're friends, you never knew how to throw a punch but you always knew how to take one, and always got back up, every time." Robin says. "I'm not strong enough, and Adrian is basically fighting for her life trying not to get herself killed." Finn says. "Your getting out of here, if you can't do it for you do it for me, do it for Adriana." Robin says.

"What does it matter." "I didn't die for nothing, I would have least died for a friend, if I can't kill that hijo de puta, then you and Adrian are gonna have to do it for me." Robin says. "How" "Your gonna use a weapon." "What weapon" "The one in your hand" "The phone." "Fill the receiver with dirt, pack it in tight, give it some heft." Robin says. "Then what." "Then you practice, over and over, you take a sept back, fast step forward then back and then swing, try it." Robin says. "Now." "Yes, you raise the phone, take a fast step back, step forward step back and swing, again, you raise the phone, take a fast step back, step forward step back and swing, again." Robin continues as Adrian watches as her best friend shows Finn how to fight. "You got it, now fill the phone up with dirt like I told you." "Will I still be able to talk with you." Finn asks.

"This is the last call Finn." Robin says. "Use what we gave you." "Bye Robin." "Bye Finn." "Can you give the phone to Adrian, I want to say my last goodbye." Robin says. "Yeah." He says as he passes the phone to me. "I see you taught him how to fight." I say. "Someone had to." Robin says with a slight chuckle. "I wanted to say something." "Yeah." I says. "This is are last call." "I know, it's sad to even think about it." "I know you miss me, I miss you a lot, not having my best friend by my side." Robin says. "I'm gonna miss you Robin." "Me too, but you'll me home soon, goodbye Adrian." Robin says. "Goodbye Robin." I say trying to hold back tears." The phone hangs up and I put back the phone. "We're getting the fuck out of here, for Robin." I say. Finn goes over and cuts the cord with his rocket ship light and puts dirt in it. We see through the small window that it was raining.

Gwen was riding her bike in the rain looking for the exact house. "Please Jesus, please I'm sorry I said you weren't rain, please, please be real." Gwen says. She continues to say please and looking at the houses. She looks forward and sees the missing kids standing there looking dead. She screams and falls off her bike. She gets up to see that there gone and then she sees the house. The same fence, the same tree with no leaves, the same house door and the same 4 number, 7741. She gets back on her bike and rushes home and pulls out the card and dials the number on it quickly as possible. "Detective Right please." She says. The detectives and Gwen rushing to the house. Alex began to grow curious on the door that his brother said to never open.

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