𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆

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I end up getting thrown on a bed. "I should snap your neck for punching me, but your too special." He says. I wake up to me being on a dirty mattress and the grabber right in front of me. "Fuck you." I say. "That language is not tolerated her young lady." He says. "Fuck you!" I shout. "You fucking hurt Robin and Vance, did you fucking kill them, huh, your a fucking bitch, I loved them, he was best friend, he was my brother, now their gone because of you!" I shout. He slaps me. "I told you that language is not tolerated here." He says. "Like I care, I just got kidnapped by you, and I'm gonna end up getting killed." I say. "You won't die unless you follow my rules." He says. "I can't kill you yet, your to special." He says as his hand goes to touch my face. I quickly grab his wrist before he touches my face. "Don't you dare think about it you pedo." I say.

He gets up once I let go of his wrist and goes to the door. "Your just like your brother, he punched me when I got him." He says with a chuckle. "What's so funny, he's dead, he's gone, what's so funny about that!" I shout. "You know what, I'm 50 percent regretting kidnapping you, so now your gonna starve today, how about that." He says. "Piss off, I'll rather die then spend an other day with your ass." I say. "Just for that I'm not gonna kill you, I'm gonna make you suffer down here." He says and he closes the large metal door behind him. Once he leaves I lay on the musty bed and cry. I just cry. I couldn't handle it, my kindness got to me and I end up getting kidnapped by the grabber, and like the other kids that got kidnapped I'm gonna end up dead.

I can't believe it. I wonder how my parents are? What about Donna? Finn and Gwen? Finn might get hurt while I'm gone. So many things and questions are in my head and I can't take it. I end up crying myself to sleep, but when I mean sleep I mean a 2 hour sleep/nap. I couldn't get any sleep due to me being paranoid and scared of what the grabber might do to me. I just wanna go home.

It's been one week since I had gone missing. "Hey have you seen Adrian by any chance, she hasn't been here in a week" Donna says. "No, I was gonna ask the same thing." Finn says. "I think she might be at home sick, she did tell me her stomach was hurting." She says. "Oh , okay." Finn says.

"Hello." Finns dad says. "Oh okay." He says. "Finney." He says. "Yeah." He says. "Someone on the phone for you." He says. "Hello?" Finn says. "You must be Finney, Adrian's friend right." A lady says. "Yeah who is this?" Finn asks. "I'm her mother." She says. "Is she okay, is she sick or something, she hasn't been at school." He says. "Sweetie, I don't know how to tell you this but, but Adriana has been missing for one whole week." She says crying. "I'm sorry, she really loved you, your were a good friend to her while Robin and her brother weren't here, your a good kid." She says. "I'm gonna hang up now." She hangs up and Finn puts the phone back. "Hey wanna watch TV." Gwen says. "Are you okay Finn, who was that." She asks. "Gwen just give him a little space for right now." Her dad says. Finn runs to his room and closes the door and goes to his bed.

Why, why her, why couldn't they just get me and not her, what did she do to deserve this, her brother, her best friend, now her. Finn began to cry of the thought of her being missing, Finn liked her and he may never tell her that. A few hours gone by and Gwen opened the door to Finn's and room. "I'm sorry, dad told me what happened." She says. "I know how much you actually cared about her, and I'm not trying to tease you right now." She says. "I'll try to get a dream, so we can find her, she's alive Finn, I know she is." She says. Finn stayed silent. "Goodnight." She says closing the door. Finn didn't get much sleep that night.

I wake up and it's been a week and one day being in this hell whole. "What the fuck." I say getting up and having my back on the wall. The grabber was there watching me sleep. "Do you like, kidnap kids to try and you know, get with them, because I'm not doing that with you." I say. "Are you gonna feed me, I'm starving." I say. "You know you make me wanna get a new kid and get rid of you." He says. "Get rid of me, kill me, do what ever to get rid of me but leave the kids alone." I say. "I'm gonna leave, at first I thought getting a girl would be a good change but now I don't like you." He says. "Win for me." I say. He slaps me. "Okay I'll shut up now." I say. He leaves. The only things in this room are a toilet, a mattress, some mats, and thats it. The only thing that makes me not wanna risk it all and get myself killed or kill myself is robins bandanna that was wrapped around my arm, the bandanna that was on my head was gone since he took it off my head trying to hold my head still.

𝙱𝚛𝚞𝚝𝚊𝚕! 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ