𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑵𝒊𝒏𝒆

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I was walking to school like always till I felt a hand hold mines, I look to see who it is and it was Finney. "God you scared me, you could of said something" I say. "Sorry." He says. We walk to school and we go are separate ways. I get to my locker and get some things out. "Hi." I hear someone say. I turn to see a boy, but not any boy, it was one of my old best friends. "Chris!" I say as I hug him. "Adrian I haven't seen you in like forever." He says hugging me back. "Your here, I didn't know you where going to come back." I say.

"My dad wanted to come back to see some family." He says. "Anything new happening." He says. I didn't want to tell him about the whole kidnapping incident. "No, no, nothing happening." I lie. "We'll can you show me some of my classes, help your best friend." He says. "Of course, you think I'm going to let you get lost here." I say. He hands me his schedule. "We have first period together, that's cool." I say excitedly. "That is cool, we get to spend time together." He says. "Oh, and I can introduce you to my other best friend, His name is Finney, but some people including me call him Finn." I say. "oh, you have a other, best friend." He says. "Yeah, anything wrong with that." I say. "No, nothing at all." He lies. Adriana didn't know that he liked her, and didn't like how she had other guy friends, especially best friends. We were to busy taking that the bell rang which meant we were late to class. "Shit." I say. "We were busy talking." He says. "Let's get to class before we get into even more trouble." I say.

Finn Pov
I was walking into class and I didn't see Adrian. She was with me walking into school, she's probably doing something right now, I don't need to overthink about it. The bell rang which meant everyone should be in class already. Then in the middle of the teacher talking we heard talking and laughter outside the door. "Shut up and stop laughing." "You stop laughing they probably can hear us." "Yeah because you have a big mouth and laugh so loud." "Fuck you." "Okay we need to go into class." "Then open the door dumbass." "Okay, okay." Then the door opens. "Ladies first." Adrian says. "Why thank you." A boy says laughing and then Adrian laughs. "Who's that?" I thought.

Adrian Pov
"Your late." The teacher says. "Sorry." We say. "Isn't this the teacher you said is annoying." Chris whispers to me. "Yes but shut up before we both get in trouble." I whisper back. "Who are you." The teacher says. "This is Christopher Columbus." I say putting my hand over my mouth to stop me from laughing. "Fuck you." Chris whispers. "I'm Chris, I'm new here." He says. "Okay, nice to meet you Chris, you can take a seat at that's table." He says pointing at the table, which is text to me. "Eye eye captain." Chris whispers. I start to laugh. "Is there anything you want to tell us you too." The teacher says. "No." We say then get to are seats. In class me and Chris where throwing paper balls at each other and passing a shit ton of notes to each other about how boring this is and how we almost got in trouble because of Chris.

Then instead of a note from chis I got a note from Finn. (Full note: Who's that? Chris, my best friend, he moved back here because of his father, why? I'm just wondering because you were late to class and y'all keep passing notes and goofing off. Oh, Chis is annoying that's why, wanna meet him, you don't need to answer that because I'm gonna force you anyways. Okay, what are you doing after school? I might be hanging out with Chris. Oh, okay.) I was gonna hang out with Chris and show him some of the new stuff that's in town that wasn't here before he moved. I wanna hang out with Finn too, I'll just ask Chris if he can tag along. It was now the end of the day and we went to are lockers. I went to Finn. I grab his hand interlocking them. "Hey, I'm gonna introduce you to Chris." I say.

"Oh okay." He says. We go and find Chris. "Hey Chris, this is Finn, my other best friend that I told you about." I say. "oh, finn." Chris says. "Adrian says you just moved back here." Finn says. "yeah I did, wait he calls you Adrian too." He says. "Yeah, my friends call me Adrian." I say. "Oh, I just thought since me and Vance first called you that it was gonna be a us thing." Chris says. "Oh, sorry, I didn't think you would think about it that way." I say. "I don't have to call you that." Finn says. "No Finn, you don't have to do that, keep calling me Adrian." I say. "Where's vance anyways." Chris says. "Um." I say. I didn't want to talk about it, just thinking about it made me sick. "Chris, why don't you tell us more about you." Finn says knowing I didn't want to talk about it.

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