𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑭𝒐𝒖𝒓

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We wake up to the sound of a phone ringing. "Adrian wake up." Finn says. "What." I say. "Did you hear that." He says. "Yeah." I say getting up. He goes towards the phone. He grabs the phone and puts it to his ear. "It doesn't work, not since I was a kid." He says. "Holy shit." I say. The grabber was right there. "Hang it up." He says turning on the lights. "I know y'all are scared, wanna go home, I'll take y'all home soon, everything is all fucked, I'm gonna be upstairs for a while." He says. "What." Finn says. "Never mind what." "Did someone see something, are the police coming, if you let us go right now, we promise we will not say anything." He says. "Yeah, and I won't tell anyone you hurt me, I'll make up a lie." I say. "Someone's coming, we'll scream, someone's upstairs they will hear us." He says. "The door is sound proof, I did it myself, shout how loud as you want, you won't bother anyone."

"Your the one who killed the others, Bruce, Robin, Vance." Finn says looking at me at the end. "That wasn't me that was someone else." He says. "Yeah right." I say. "I will never make you do anything you won't." "If you ever decided to touch me I will scratch your face and who ever is outside they will see your face and ask why." He says. "This face." "Someone already tried to do that, they learned there lesson didn't they." He says, then Finn looks at me. "Don't get close to me." I say. "Don't say that." He says. "Your are a pedophile, did you kidnapped me to hurt me, or to get with me." I say. "Don't talk back." He says. "Get closer and I am gonna hit." I say. "Try hitting me." He says as he gets closer to my face. I punch him in the face and use my foot to kick his stomach. "You Naughty little girl." He says. He slaps me then he start to kick me in the stomach. I lay there in pain as he leaves. "Fuck you!" I shout. He steps forward. "Don't touch her." Finn says.

"Hang up the phone." He says. Finn puts the phone back. I think it's static electricity, it went off the last time I went to pick it up to see if anyone was there." He says. "Was there." Finn says. He shakes his head no. He leaves and turns off the light. "Help, Please, Help!" Finn shouts. "Finn." I say. He continues. "Finn, I tried, multiple times, it's not gonna work." I say. Finn looks around the room and sees a vent. He jumps to try to get on top. "Help me." He says. It's either give up and die, or escape and live. I chose escape. I get off the bed and we try to pull it. It was too heavy. "If anyone would have broken through that window they would have tried already, Robin would." I say. Finn sits down on the edge of the bed and I sit next to him. "We're not getting out of here." He says. "Don't say that, we're gonna try to escape, it's either give up and die or escape and live, we're gonna escape." I say looking at Finn. Then the phone rang. We look at it.

We step back. "How is it ringing." I say. "I don't know." He says. We go closer to it. He gets it and puts it close to are ears so we both can hear it. "Hello." Finn says. He was about to hang it up till a noise came out of it. "Hello." He says again. He hangs it up. We end up falling asleep, I woke up a few minutes before Finn. "Do you see that." He says. "See what." I say. "The phone." He says. We look at it, it looked like it was moving. "Stop it." He says. "Stop what." We get scared and get up from the bed. The grabber was there watching us sleep, second time he done this to me. "I'm hungry, we need food." He says. "How are your eyes." "They hurt." He says. "We'll I can't bring you anything to eat, you'll have to wait." "Is some one up there that will see you bring the food." Finn says. "If you weren't gonna feed us why did you come down here, I have been starving for 2 days." I say. "I just wanted to look at you both." He says.

We got bored and fell asleep to get over with the day. The phone rings again and we wake up. We go to it and Finn picks up the phone. "Hello is somebody there, we need help." He says. "Finney, Adriana." Are eyes widen. Finn hangs up the phone and we step back from it. I may be acting like this right now but a while ago I got a phone call and I still can't believe what happened.

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