Chapter 67 | flight home

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A/n: I feel like I wrote this fic super fast?? Like we're approaching the end and I swear I only started it like a month ago. I'm just pumping out fanfics these days man.

It was finally time to go home. You'd gotten to see L's home and now he'd see yours.

After some bone crushing hugs from the successors, promises to return with presents you had to leave the orphanage to catch your flight. It was very early in the morning, and Rosie was still sleepy and now fully awake yet. So you offered to carry the bags while L carrier Rosie asleep on his shoulder. Assuming there were no delays you'd be home by 9pm that night, and you were looking forward to your fathers homemade dinner, it was always the best to you.

This was also a big step for L, who was travelling without Watari for the first time. Watari insisted that he go with just you and Rosie as you were practically a family at this point. And he had some work to attend to back at the orphanage anyway. L made him promise to call every night to check up on each other, and Watari agreed calling him a clingy child. L was clingy to his foster father though, he wouldn't deny that.

He was a bit nervous, but knew that as long as you were with him he'd be ok. Sending your bags off on the conveyer belt, checking in your tickets and taking your carry in through security you ended up sitting at your gate with about 30 minutes to kill before boarding.

"How does she sleep through all this noise?" You pondered, sitting beside L who has Rosie in his lap and sleep on his shoulder.

L shrugged, not going to talk in such a crowded area. Not that it was a problem, you could communicate telepathically with him at this point.

"She's so cute, like a baby koala clinging onto her dad" you smiled.

L gave you a smile back, appreciating the comparison. You'd compared him to lots of cute animals over the course of your relationship. Panda, frog, cat, sugar glider and now a dad koala. He was just collecting cute animals at this point. Speaking of animals, sootie was back at the orphanage, Rosie made the boys promise to take care of her while she was away. And they eagerly agreed to protect the cat with their lives. She trusted them with this task, as all the kids loved sootie just as much as she did.

"I wonder how long she'll sleep though this?" You asked.

L thought a moment, holding up three fingers after deciding.

"3 hours? You're keeping track of our sleep cycles aren't you?" You replied.

L nodded, unsurprisingly to you. Ever since you'd gotten him to get more sleep, he figured he'd track it to make sure he was getting enough. And eventually he just began tracking you and Rosie too since you all went to bed around the same time when you didn't have to stay up all night on a case.

"You and your numbers" you joked.

The pings of the airport announcements went off, and you both turned to the screens to see what gate was boarding. You still had a few minutes to wait, it was a bit boring just sitting around an airport, but airports have always had a strange vibe to you that intrigued you.

"You ever get that weird feeling in airports? I mean they're so big, and spacious. Even when there's tons of people in it there's still so many empty places at gates that are closed and terminals that have no flights that day" you muttered.

"Liminal space" L muttered back, keeping his voice down to not be heard by others.

"Yeah that's it, a liminal space. It's big, open, you expect people to be in it but there's areas it's just completely empty. And you're never there for long, it's a transitional space. Familiar but foreign at the same time"

Maybe that's why when you traveled for cases, you always felt a sense of new beginnings as you sat in the airport waiting to board your flight. You were on your way to a new place to start a new case, a new chapter of your life. You were transitioning from one place to another in both life path and literally.

At this point, you'd been around the world on cases and yet you always managed to find your way back home eventually. Staying with your dads every now and then to make sure they were ok and to spend time with them, you were exited to see them again. It had been a while.

All the arrangements were made and they were expecting you and two new family members to arrive that night. They'd be waiting in the airport for you to take you home again, and as you did every time you'd run up to them and leap into their arms.

Rosie would be staying in your childhood bedroom that still had a lot of your belongings from when you were a kid. You and L would stay in the guest room that had a king bed the both if you could fit in. There'd be plenty to do in your time there as well outside of just introducing your family to L and Rosie. There was Halloween at the end of the month and L's birthday. There were sights to see and places to take Rosie on her first holiday. Places you hadn't been to since you were a kid to return to.

You'd already decided you'd take Rosie to the Museum and the Aquarium at some point, you used to take school trips there as a kid and you knew she'd love with with how inquisitive she was. And on a day your dads could babysit her, you wanted to take L out to dinner at some place that had amazing desserts he'd love.

You had so many plans, and you were eager to start them. You were exited to take a break from cases and see your dads, you were exited for L and Rosie to meet them, you were exited to show them all the places you grew up.

You were exited really, ready to go home.

As the staff prepared to open your gate, L nudged you to get ready to you. You grabbed the bags, L adjusted just grip on Rosie as she slept and the two of you got up to get on board and take your seats. You were finally going home after so long, and this time you were bringing your new family with you.

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