Chapter 60 | Lacys story

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Another day, another interrogation. Although this time it wasn't in an interrogation room, and it wasn't as harsh. You sat across the table from Lacy, the daughter of the mother you'd phoned a week ago.

You'd gotten a call back, and she explained that she'd talked to her husband about the whole thing and they'd agreed to keep their daughter out of school for a while until the teacher had been dealt with. They were both certain that their child had been struck by the teacher. And now you were here to try and get the full story from her, this was all you needed to secure the right to arrest and search Miss Andrea.

You'd only dealt with questioning kids a few times on cases, so this was a rather different experience than your usual investigative work. L was listening to everything you were saying and all Lacy's responses though the recorder you had to log all the information you collected. And he was probably playing with Rosie while he was at it. Headphones on listening to you while doing puzzles with Rosie was something the two could do since neither of them talked with words. They could easily sign to each other what they had to say. Both parents had given you permission to record it for the case, and they'd been kind enough to allow you into their home to question their child in a safe environment they wouldn't be scared in.

The girl was 6, Rosie's age. Although unlike Rosie who was quiet and reserved, Lacy was energetic and willing to talk about all kind of things. To ease her into talking to you, a stranger, you began by asking her about her dress that had ruby gloom on it. She talked and talked about how it was her favourite show and she loved to play pretend with her friends that they were the characters. And judging from the Halloween themes toys scattered around the room, she was a child that liked the spooky. You liked kids like that, they were a fun change of pace from princesses and unicorns.

You also talked about how she was doing in school, what subjects she liked and what her favourite playground games were. All of this eased her into talking to you and answering your questions.

Now was the time to start asking her the harder questions, her parents sat in the room as well, just in case she got uncomfortable with the memories you unfortunately had to bring up. You didn't want to push her, you'd take as long as she needed and as many visits as needed to get the full story from her.

"So, do you like your class?" You asked.

"Uh-huh! All my friends are in my class, and when we do sports day my class always wins" Lacy replied.

"You've got a pretty good team then don't you?"

"We're the best! My class is fun. But Miss Andrea is kind of scary"

There it was, the point you needed to dig into.

"She's scary? Why is that?" You asked.

"She yells when we're too loud, and puts us in time out when we're being naughty" Lacy replied.

Ok... not THAT odd. Obviously misbehaving kids would get scolded, as long as it wasn't going into abuse territory a little discipline was ok to teach kids right and wrong. But knowing what you did, those smaller actions seemed more sinister.

"Does she give you warnings before putting you in time out?" You asked.

"No she just puts us in time out whenever she likes. And sometimes she takes away our skipping ropes and bounce balls so we can't play at recess"

That was less innocent, there was nothing against kids bringing playground toys for recess and lunch. There was no reason to take something away from a kid unless it was dangerous, and skipping ropes and bounce balls are definitely not dangerous. So this teacher was confiscating children's property with no reason for it.

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