Chapter 45 | trackers

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"Got one! User lucyblock1 is actually a guy called Noah Tate and lives in America. He solicited and smuggled drugs from the site" you announced.

"Wow, you're burning through these aren't you?" L replied.

So far you'd managed to track 3 people down. Making that only 14 more to go.

"I'll send you his details and you can get agents in America to arrest him. He lives in Nevada and works as a power line repair guy" you added.

Forwarding L the information for him to pick up from there, you quickly moved to the next person to track down. Someone by the username jumper87 who'd bought a copy of a snuff film.

"At this rate we'll get everything done fairly soon, assuming there's no set backs" L said.

"I hope so, I'm more concerned about making sure Rosie is ok really" you replied.

It'd been a few weeks, she was doing well but it was clear what happened would be affecting her for the rest of her life. She'd made friends with the successors and Linda, was getting along exceptionally well with Near in particular and learning sign language off L fairly fast.

She'd also start regular classes next week, having taken a placement test she was going to be put in the intermediate class, she was just above her age level average and would be able to work best in that class. She'd have Linda with her so you were sure she'd settle in fine.

"Speaking of, I got all the documents back from her kidnappers trail. He's going away for life, as expected. Everyone involved is too, turns out they all turned on each other while being interrogated" L said.

"Damn, none of them were truly friends then?" You snickered.

"Seems like it. At least her case is closed, and she's got some kind of justice for her parents"

That's another thing you were rather worried about. Her parents. It seems she hadn't fully processed their deaths yet, she knows they're gone and she can't ever see them again. But she's still young enough that death hasn't really settled into her mind yet, she can't quite wrap her head around it. You and L suspected as she got older she's start to understand more and the confusion and sadness will eventually get easier to deal with.

"Oh, and by the way L-" you began.

"Hm?" He looked up at you.

"Notice how you've been talking completely fine this whole time?"

He thought a moment, not having noticed at all. He was just so used to talking to you at this point he barely noticed how long it'd been.

"Oh! Yeah... I guess I'm just so used to you know" he smiled.

"I'm proud of you, you've come so far so fast" you replied, placing a kiss on his cheek.

He wasn't going to leave that favour un-returned, and grabbed your chin to make you face him again. Placing a kiss on your lips this time, he gave you a thankful smile.

"Thank you" he said.

"I love you" you replied.

"I love you too, I don't know how I managed to get you"

You playfully grabbed his cheeks and gave them a squeeze.

"You existed, that's how"

By now the two of you knew damn well that you were permanently partners in crime fighting. You'd not be taking another other jobs, just ones with L and working with him. You worked well together, it was investigating which you loved, it paid really well and you get to be with your boyfriend all day. There was really no downside.

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