The beginning of it all

Depuis le début

I woke up in a strange room which seemed to be some sort of castle in the underworld. The walls were made out of stone, and I was lying down on some sort of bed.

???: "Hmm...seems you're finally awake."

I looked around the room to see the destined rival of Issei, the current White Dragon Emperor, Vali Lucifer looking at me, his divine dividing proudly displayed on his back.

I looked around the room to see the destined rival of Issei, the current White Dragon Emperor, Vali Lucifer looking at me, his divine dividing proudly displayed on his back

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Seeing one of the most prominent figures in the Khaos Brigade, I immediately tried to jump out of the bed...only to be stopped when I realized I didn't have my left arm only a stump that stopped existing at my elbow.

"So it wasn't just a bad dream..."

Vali: "Hmm? Why the upset tone? Weren't you the one that allowed to be provoked in their presence?"

"I got provoked easily because I was stressed out!"

Vali smirked and tilted his head slightly.

Vali: "Stressed out because my rival has the hearts of the women you love? That's pretty pathetic."

I scowled in anger, but stayed still. Odds are, if I tried to fight the white dragon emperor, I would be dead in 10 seconds AT MOST.

Vali: "Eh, I can't exactly blame you though. The way he basically does everything better than you is a pretty big blow to your ego."

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and lifted up my stump of a left arm.

"Don't need to make the obvious more obvious Vali."

I looked around the room helplessly, as if Rias or anyone would come to rescue me, but then just eased back as I realized I was basically trapped.

"So what do you need me for? As a potential blackmail to be able to duel Issei?"

Vali: "Pfft, no. No one in your peerage would risk Issei's life for someone like you."

I slumped to the ground. Yeah, I should've probably figured that out, especially since he sort of has 7 girls all over him. They wouldn't risk his life for someone like me who's usually a sacrifice in a rating game or just a person used to do any spare chores in the clubhouse—or house itself.

"Then what am I here for?"

Vali: "You seemed like a possible host for a great power. Albion stated that you have a pretty big unconscious darkness within you compared to other supernatural, and any chance at having another potential opponent for me to test my skills against is one I'll take."

"A power that relies on the darkness within me? What are you trying to do? Turn me into a monster?"

Vali: "Possibly. We still don't know how the power affects an actual supernatural. Only how it affects mortals."

"Hmm...and I'm guessing I'm in your base of operations so your other friends are here, which means I can't really leave."

Vali nodded in agreement as I looked at the ground in sadness.

From pawn to god: A High School DxD crossover storyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant