"No problem, I will get them first thing in the morning." I smiled.

"I am not done." He smiled. "Since Annette is the mother." He emphasized the word mother. "No one can ever replace a mother, that means no way can ever replace Annette, so ma'am I think you should--."

"Anna, please go get us drinks." I asked and she agreed. "No one can replace a mother, really?"

"Her name is Anna?" Jay asked.

"Forget that." I said. "No one can replace a mother and Annette is the mother, really?"

"Forget that and tell me, is her name really Anna?"

"Uncle." I said. "Did you really say no one can ever replace Annette since she's the mother?"

"Yes Elijah, now answer my question."

"What kind of a mother leaves her children?" I shook my head. "What kind of a mother leaves her family for her own selfish reasons? What kind of a mother pretends to be dead? What kind of a mother forgets that she had an amazing family?" I smiled. "I'll tell you what kind of a mother does that? A heartless bitch, a bad mother that doesn't deserve to be a mother."

"Watch your tongue." Jay said. "I really understand how you fucking feel but don't forget she had a reason for what she did now please behave."

"You understand." I shook my head. "You'll never understand because Aunt Stephanie has never put you through that."

"I know but hear Annette out, please."

"Why are you on her side? I have always been your favorite; you were always on my side so why are you on her side?"

"Your Aunt, Stephanie made me see things from Annette's point of view and I swear if you just listen to her with an open mind you will know that she didn't have a choice."

"She had choices uncle, it's just that she never thought about choosing me." I told him. "Here comes my love." I smiled at Marianna. "Thank you for the drink."

"Pleasure babe." She replied and Uncle Jay walked away. "There are a lot of people here and it seems like everyone knows each other."

"Well half of them are my family and the others are just business partners so they probably all talking about work or family." I tucked her hair behind her ear. "Don't be nervous, I am here."

"You guys look beautiful." Annette said, with a fake smile. "Are you his sneaky link?"

"What?" I said, angry. "You funny." I shouldn't let her offend me; I need to make sure she knows nothing she says affects me. "You were the only sneaky link I ever had." I smiled. "Anna is my girlfriend."

"Anna?" She laughed. "Dating someone with the same name as my mother. You must be trying really hard to make me jealous, fiancée."

This bitch, she has no shame at all!

"Her full name is Marianna but I forgot an evil woman like you had a mother called Anna." I said. "Now stop bothering us and go find someone else to bother."

"Well, since you two are dating, I might as well tell her what you like, what annoys you, basically everything about you since I know you so well."

"No need to tell me anything." Marianna said. "I love my boyfriend and I will get to know him, through him alone and not his ex. I really appreciate it though but no thanks. I have got this." She smiled.

"Ahem." My dad interrupted us. "Can I please have a word with your girlfriend." He asked.

"Sure." Marianna quickly agreed. I don't trust my dad right now, he is up to something but since Marianna agreed to go with him, I will just let her be.

"Hello." Annette patted my cheek.

"Touch my face one more time and I will smack you." I told her and she giggled.

"You want to be an abusive man now?"

"It's called self-defense." I corrected. "Now get lost."

"Why are you using her." She shook her head. "She's beautiful and so sweet so please don't use her to make me jealous, it won't work and you will just hurt her feelings."

"Wow." I smiled. "You so full of yourself." I clapped for her. "You must really think this world revolves around you." I said. "But guess what? No one gives a fuck about you and you the last thing on my mind so if you think I want to make you jealous, then you are delusional."

"Why come close to me if you hate me that much." She smirked. "You just wanted to smell me, maybe even kiss me but you have a big ego."

"Listen, Annette, stop trying to push me." I warned her. "You won't like an angry Elijah."

"Well, the Elijah that I was with used to be a beast in---." I grabbed her and took her to the bathroom.

"You are a shameless girl." I said. "I can't believe I used to date such an ugly girl with an ugly character. You make me sick."

"Is that why you brought me here to the bathroom, ALONE!" She smirked.

"You think I brought you here to sleep with you?" I laughed. "You are disguising."

"I never said anything about that yet you brought it up! You the one that thought about that, not me."

"Stay away from me." I tried to leave but she grabbed my arm.

"What happened to the love you had for me? What happened to my bed would always be warm, and you would love me for eternity. What happened to you can't live without me?" She looked at me with teary eyes.

"I really couldn't live without you for the first couple of days after your death. I was a mess." I shook my head. "My life was over and I stopped functioning when I found out you were dead but---." I laughed. "YOU HAPPENED!" I snapped. "You faked it and my love for you was a joke to you and now that you don't have it anymore, you miss it. Annette Hendricks Kingston, you really broke me. You made the mistake of leaving me and playing with my feelings and I will never forget that nor forgive you. So take your fucking hand off me."

"I'm really sorry." She said but I just left her alone in the bathroom.

If Sorry could mend my heart, I would've taken it a long time ago but she broke my trust, my heart, and everything else. She broke the happy family we had!

"Hey dad, where is Marianna?" I asked.

"She's talking to your mother, now take this drink." He handed me a glass of wine. "How are you enjoying this party?"

"It's fine, boring, to be honest." I took a sip. "You sure you didn't put something in my drink." He laughed at me. "Dad, why do you have handcuffs?"

"You really want to know?" He asked so I quickly shook my head. "I thought so. Anyway, where is Annette?" He asked.

"I don't know but I hope she left." I said.

"Stop being so cold towards her, she loves you so much." He said before leaving me to find Annette. 

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Sorry for the late chapter. I have been so busy but I promise to update this book and Pregnant by a psycho once or twice a week each :)) 

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