Cecellia smiled, "sure, would you prefer to watch a sitcom before heading for bed?"

"Inviting me to stay the night, are you?" The witch asked.

"I mean... Yeah," she blushed.

The brunette nodded, "okay, I agree, only if it's The Dick Van Dyke Show, deal?"

Cecellia nodded too, "sounds good to me."

The two got dressed into something more comfortable- well Wanda conjured a black tank top and black & white striped shorts whilst Cecellia changed into a band t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants.

They got under the covers before Cecellia put on The Dick Van Dyke Show on her laptop as she set it on her lap for them to watch. Wanda snuggled into her allowing herself to be the little spoon in cuddling.

They fell asleep like this.

Wanda was having a hard time quitting the Darkhold, yes, she destroyed it in their universe forever but those effects on her... They are permanent.

"Beautiful?" Cecellia put her chin on Wanda's shoulder as wrapped her arms around her waist, "what's wrong?"

She was worried for her wife considering the fact that Wanda was washing dishes and ended up breaking one cup then stopped staring at her own darkened fingers for like a few minutes before Cecellia spoke up.

"I... I don't know how I'm gonna repent for what I've done," Wanda confessed.

Cecellia tilted her head, "you were just trying to get your family back," she just turned her around to look at her although Wanda ended up looking down instead, "I, personally, understand your reasoning. Yes, it may take a while for others-" Wanda then looked at her with a 'seriously?' look, "okay maybe it won't be a possibility but we can have a future together, just us, maybe even have a kid like Tommy and Billy."

"How?" Wanda asked with soft eyes she missed her boys so much.

Cecellia just smiled, "there are other ways than magic and traveling the multiverse to have kids," this made Wanda smile.

"What if they are looking for you now?" Wanda asked, "I mean, you did help me."

"We'll find a way."

They woke up to Strange portalling into the room and seeing them cuddled up close to eachother asleep, "oh- you two- you god to be kidding," he commented.

"Strange?" Wanda asked sleepily slash zombie Wanda like a bit dwelling on what they both just dreamt, the Scarlet Witch and her wife want to have a family.

Whilst Cecellia sat up barely able to see as she tilts her head, her mind thinking on the whole other universe version of her and Wanda wanting to have a kid normally, "Gandalf?"

"I knew you two were getting close and going on a date but in my Sanctum? Really?" Strange asked like a scolding father.

"We- We just slept together-" Wanda tried to say but he cut her off.

"Yeah, exactly my problem!"

"Not like that!" The two women say in unison.

Strange just shook his head, "whatever, I have some Avengers meeting here today because of what happened recently."

"What- Why?" Cecellia asked as if everything that happened didn't apply.

He gave her the Strange look, "so the whole you and the kid going to another universe, us stuck with Harkness who keeps giving us /forbidding/ warning, oh and not to mention that universe you got sent to had the version of Wanda who wanted to take America's power."

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